Part 10: Skype Call

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Sal's POV

It's the middle of the night when I wake up on the couch. Again. This fever really sucks ass. I've been repeatedly waking up in a cold sweat all day and night. I take my temperature once again and am relieved to see that my fever finally broke and my body is cooling off, but I still feel like shit.

Then something unexpected happens; I get a skype call on my laptop from Q. Why would he be calling so late? I sit down with a glass of water and my laptop and answer the call. His face and naked torso appear with the white material of his couch behind him.

I clear my throat as best as I can before I say " Hey babe, why are you calling so late?"

"Fuck, you sound so sexy..."

"What- are you drunk?"

"Sal I've had one beer, a couple hours ago. I'm just saying that you sound sexy when you're sick."

I study his face to see if he's lying, but I don't come away with drunkenness. "You're horny, aren't you?"

"Yeeeeah, maybe a little." He doesn't even blush. Bastard.

"Babe, I'm sick, I can't do anything." As I'm saying this I see a figure come out of the bathroom behind him and head to the kitchen, and when I realize who it is, I'm speechless. Actually thoughtless is probably more or less the word.

He glances behind him when he hears her and then casually says "She's staying the night so we can go job hunting tomorrow. We watched a movie and that's why we're up so late. But um..." He gets that uncomfortable look about him that I see so often, considering our job. He begins speaking again in a hushed tone. "She was... I think she was masturbating in the shower and, well, I don't wanna cheat on you."

It takes me a minute to contemplate what he's trying to say, but I think I eventually get it. "So you called me to have skype sex or something?"

"Pretty much. You don't have to do anything; I can get off with just your voice, if need be. But I figured you'd rather me call you than get off to her voice instead... God, that sounds fucking awful."

"Just as long as you don't actually do it... I get that you still like women. I do too, in fact. So as long as you don't actually, y'know, get off to her, then you're right, you can call me whenever to take care of you." I add a little wink at the end to show him that I really mean it. Yes, it makes me uncomfortable that she's even there, but I think the fact that he reached out to me shows that he's not doing anything wrong.

"Oh my god, thanks babe!" Relief washes over him and smooths his features, allowing the hornyness to fully take over, and holy fuck does it look sexy! Even in my ill state, my cock twitches at the sight.

"So what do you want me to do? Talk to you? Touch myself?"

"Fuck, anything, Sal. I don't care, just do something."

Third Person

"Well someone's desperate." Just then Sal gets an idea. "Do you know what I would do if I were there and you were this desperate, lying so vulnerable on the couch?"

"No. What would you do baby?"

"I would strip for you. Slowly, one by one I would remove every piece of clothing, and-"

"Do it, Sal."


"Strip for me, please. If you're up to it."

Sal hesitates before answering him. "Make sure Faith won't see..." Brian gets up, sets his laptop on the coffee table and goes to the kitchen. Obviously Sal doesn't like that she'll see Q in his boxers, but Q's never been one to care, regardless of who it is. A couple minutes later she comes into the view of the camera and stops when she sees Sal's face on the screen.

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