Part 15: Eagerness

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*Right after the therapist visit*

Brian's POV

Needless to say, Sal was quite eager to go home and try out what my therapist suggested we do. He must've been waiting for this for a long time. God, I really suck at making sure my boyfriend is satisfied, don't I? Anyways when we shut my front door he's already practically begging me to take him to bed.

"Sal! For the love of god, please don't rush me," I say and crush his dreams.

"I'm sorry babe, I'm just excited that we finally get to do something more."

"Yeah, don't expect it to go very far though." The both of us take off our shoes and head upstairs, and as soon as I enter my bedroom he's yanking off all of his clothes. "Sallybabe, remember what Dr. Denair said?" He gives me a blank look. "Take it slow. Please. I really want this to work so please just listen and take it slow."

He sighs and then shrugs as if to say 'have it your way then'. "Then you lead tonight, babe. I'm not trying to fuck this up." Slightly comforted by his words, I walk over to him and begin to gingerly kiss his soft, Cuban lips. There's still a tight knot in the pit of my stomach, but it's nothing like what happened last week so I try desperately to convince myself that I'm okay. It helps a little. "Oh god," Sal moans into the kiss. "You taste so good. Mmm..." Well fuck, he's already got my dick twitching.

"Slowly undress me," I tell him, and he immediately obeys; starting at my hat, then my shirt, pants, and socks. But when he reaches for the waistband of my boxers, I find myself instinctively moving away. At first he thinks I'm just messing with him and reaches for me again, but when I move away a second time he looks at me with a very confused expression.

"Babe, you told me to undress you."

I run my hands over my face and through my hair as I try so hard to stop shaking. "I know."

"...Aaaand why can't I? It's nothing I haven't seen before."

"Just give me a minute." My voice is muffled by the palms of my hands when I speak. Time passes and Sal just stands there, staring at me and trying to judge the situation. "Okay. Go ahead," I say before I lose my sudden burst of courage. He pulls my underwear off with haste, but he doesn't push forward until I finally look at him.

"I love you, babe. You're the handsomest, sexiest man I've ever met, and I'm really glad I have the privilege to touch this," he says as he gropes my crotch. Leaning into me and embracing me with his free arm, he speaks again and tickles my ear with his lips as he does so. Obviously I shiver and hug him back while he continues to stroke me. "I love this cock... I love it so fucking much."

A small smile spreads across my lips as his praises take the edge off of my nerves, and I lean down to kiss the pressure point in his neck.

"God, every time you touch me, I feel like I'm on fire," he exclaims.

I smile cheekily. "Well, you are pretty hot, so that would make sense."

"No, you make me hot. You make me everything that I am. Without you, I wouldn't be the man that I am."

"You're adorable," I randomly say.

"And ready to fuck you senseless," he adds, and I freeze. His hand begins to move slightly faster but I barely feel it. It isn't until he's on his knees - obviously about to try and blow me - before he looks up and realizes something's wrong. When he does he immediately stops and stands back up, taking my face in his hands to keep my gaze on him. "I'm sorry. You okay?" I inhale deeply and shut my eyes to steady myself before nodding ever so slightly. "Babe, look at me. Open your eyes and look." I obey him. Looking into his bright green eyes starts to calm me as he continues to speak. "I love you. You're not being hurt, you're okay. Got it?"

"Yeah," I whisper.

"Good." Despite his tough outlook his whole body seems to sigh in relief. "I guess dirty talk is off the table."

"I think it's just specific dirty talk..."

"...Oh... Maybe. I won't say that anymore."

We're both exceedingly grateful that we finally figured something out, but unfortunately he's not really in the mood anymore, so I let him take a nap on my bed while I mess with my cats downstairs. At first I was in the same boat as him, but after an hour or so I got this urge - it started so small but began to grow over time - to kiss him. I couldn't stop thinking about his lips and wanted nothing more than to feel them on mine once more.

I make my way upstairs and find him still sleeping, but he had kicked the covers off and I suddenly get an amazing idea. He's still naked, so I kiss him then get on the bed between his legs and take his length into my mouth. It's not erect at the moment, but that'll soon change. The seconds pass and he hasn't woken up, but he's starting to emit cute little moans in his sleep. I pull away from his now very hard cock and begin to kiss it from the base to the tip slowly, giving his opening a little flick of the tongue when I get there. He groans at that, and I swirl my tongue around and around, and when I hit a particularly sensitive spot (right on the underside of his head) he outright gasps and his back arches. My lips gently nurse that spot, and finally he says something.

"Oh Brian that feels so good!"

I chuckle. "You awake now baby?"

"Fuck yeah I'm awake!" I continue my ministrations and it's not long before he suddenly pulls me up to him and engages in an intense makeout session. It doesn't last long, but it's enough to leave me breathless. "Q, I need to touch you. I need to pleasure you. How do I do that?"

The question takes me by complete surprise, and I honestly don't know how to answer it at first. "I... well I... I'm not really sure. I'm getting pleasure simply from doing this," I squeeze his balls gently and he once again gasps.

"Q, please..."

I sigh. "I guess... a really nice hand job?"

"Done." And just like that his hand is in my pants rubbing me furiously. And I love it.

"Fuck!" His lips once again find mine and he sucks on my tongue so hard it's almost painful, but I love that as well. I begin to stroke him too, attempting to match his speed but ultimately failing. Either way he seems to really enjoy it.

And finally, after so, so long, we both successfully climax at the same time without any complications.


It's short, but I'm kinda experiencing a little writer's blocks. Once again I know what I want to write, but I don't know how to write it.

What do you think of this part? This is a small step forward for their sex life; will it be enough? What do you think it is that triggers Q?

Please vote and comment! :D  

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