Chapter One: Coming Home

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Thirteen years. That's a long time for anyone, but for Paige Telford it seemed like a lifetime. In that amount of time she seemed to transform from the troublesome teen, into a mature woman with more knowledge than she deserved. If you grew up in Charming, you knew about SAMCRO You heard the stories and maybe caught glimpses of them as they rode down the street on their monster Harleys. To Paige however, the Sons of Anarchy were her family and the only one she had ever known.

She was only 10 when she came to know them, a lost and scared 10 yr. old wandering down the street after her parents had overdosed on Heroin. It was at that tender age that she met a young man by the name of Jackson Teller, or Jax to the ones that knew him. She remembered that day like it was yesterday.

She was given to the state, but quickly adopted by the MC, officially being the adopted daughter of Filip "Chibs" Telford, an Scottish man with a soft heart and hard eyes. He was the best father he knew how to be, and when he didn't have the answer, someone in the club sure did. Paige grew up in the MC her and Jax becoming thick as thieves and that was no pun. They got in trouble together, but always managed to find a way out.

Paige felt that Charming would be her home forever, and that her and Jax would marry and ride off on his Harley into the fairytale that she had created in her mind. Of course she learned in high school that fairytales were bullshit. Jax fell in love with a girl named Tara Knowles, a girl who had her sights set on the big world and not on Charming.

Paige was pushed aside when she came into Jax's life, but once she ran from him and from Charming, she was there to comfort Jax. That one night of comfort turned into a night a drunken sex that ended with Paige leaving in the middle of the night. 

She loved Jax, but that one night with him made her realize that he didn't love her, at least not in that way. Sure he said it, but she saw in his eyes that she could never be what Tara was to him. She didn't want to wait around forever on the chance to be his Old lady and she sure as hell was not going to be second best. When she heard Jax call out Tara's name as he climaxed, she knew that she could never be truly his.

After leaving a long and heartfelt note to her father, she took off on the bus to L.A making sure to never stay in one place for long. Her father sent out prospects looking for her, but she just couldn't go back. She wrote him letters with no return address and called him from blocked numbers, knowing it killed him that left without saying goodbye.

   At first she knew why she had left, but after a while she didn't know why she had stayed away. She had met a man, who she thought she loved, but after getting drawn into his life of crime, did she realize that she was wrong.

Paige knew that in her heart she didn't want to come back, but here she sat in her black Ford pickup looking at the Teller Morrow shop. It was a work shop for the MC, but it housed some of the best memories for Paige.

She ran her hair through her blonde hair, hair that she knew came from her junkie mother. She had wanted to distance herself from her mother in any fashion, so shaving the side of her head seemed appropriate. Her stomach was in knots and tears formed in her eyes as panic tried to set in. 

 She had no idea how she was going to be received by the club, but she had no choice but to face them now. She got out of her truck, making sure to leave it running and pulled her grey shirt down over the top of her black jeans, hoping that her father would approve of her tattoos.

She wasn't that scared 18 yr. old girl anymore, hell she wasn't even a girl.  Paige had seen and done so many things that, she hadn't felt like herself in such a long time. She ran her hands through her hair and slowly walked up to the shop, most of the guys unrecognizable. There was however, one man that stood out.

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