Chapter Sixteen: When The Past Comes Home

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HELLO ALL!!! So sorry for the lack of updates! I just want to say thank you to everyone who had read and voted for this story and added it to their reading list! I just want to say this is the LAST official chapter aside from the Epilogue that will be posted tomorrow! Thanks so much for sticking with this story!

"What should we call him?" Jax asked as he held his newborn son in his arms, tears forming in his eyes as he couldn't believe he was finally here.

"John—John Philip Teller. After two of bravest men we know." Paige smiled as she thought about her dad, anxiously waiting to meet his grandson. Paige smiled as Xavier looked over at his new brother, the look on his face something she knew she would always remember.

"I'm gonna take such good care of you." Xavier said as Jax lowered John to his level, Xavier gently taking the baby in his little arms as he held him close. Paige felt tears come to her eyes as she watched her oldest bond with his baby brother. She hadn't felt this calm or this happy in so long, she had forgotten what it felt like. She had wished that Abel could see his little brother, but he had been suffering from a cold and wasn't allowed in the room.

"Can I see my grandson?" A familiar voice said as Paige saw her father walk in with Tigs, and Clay. Jax took John and gently placed him in Chibs arms, Paige feeling emotional as she saw her father fall instantly in love with his grandchild.

"You and ye brother are gonna run this club one day." Chib's said as he looked down at Xavier who was smiling proudly. Xavier loved the club, and always talked about being a prospect when he turned 18. Paige wasn't happy about it, but she knew that Jax would lead him in the direction that he needed to go.

She never wanted Xavier to follow in the footsteps of his real father, and she never wanted him to know the life that she had. Her family was all she had and she knew now more than ever that the life she used to have was dead to her now.

"Why don't we give mommy some time to rest—come on I'll take ye for a ride." Chibs said as he handed John back to Jax and picked Xavier up over his shoulder. Paige relaxed as she watched Jax cradle John in his arms, her heart so full of love she felt she might burst at any moment.

"Did you ever think we would be here?" Jax asked as he placed John back in his small bassinet, his hand grabbing Paige's as he kissed her knuckles.

"Honestly? No—I never thought I deserved to be this happy, Jax. What about you?"

"I had a feeling, a small feeling but a good feeling that one day we would let go of the bullshit. I love you Paige—I always have." He said as he kissed her lips, her hand cupping his face as she had never in her life felt so in love.

"Let's shoot for a June wedding, nothing big just a family and the club." Paige said as she saw Jax's face light up since he had avoided talking about the wedding. It wasn't that she didn't want to get married, she just didn't want to get married with a huge pregnant belly. She also felt that her old life was still catching up to her, since she knew that dangerous men could be after her.

She didn't want to tell Jax and worry him sick, choosing instead to take the weight of burden. She knew that her back had a target ever since the life of Carlos was taken, a fear that kept her up at night.

"That's in just three weeks' babe, you sure you will be up for it?" Jax asked as he sat on the bed. Paige looked up at Jax, remembering the first time she saw him that day in the street. She knew in heart then that he would never leave her side.

"I'm sure, babe—I wanna be married to you already and officially start this insane ride with you." She smiled, her heart fluttering as he bent down and kissed her lips, his hands cupping her face as she felt his love for her flow through her.

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