Chapter Four:Haunted Past

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"This filing system you have Gem, it's just weird." Paige teased as she looked over the recipes for the shop. She wasn't blind or stupid, they were laundering money, but Paige was going to play stupid.

"You will get it, just read through it again." Gemma said, Paige unable to concentrate on anything but Xavier. She was loving how happy and relaxed he was since they had spent a lot of time on the road, going from one hotel to the next.

"It's nice being home, last night was the first night I got any real sleep." Paige said, watching as Gemma smirked at her, Paige rolling her eyes as she knew what she was thinking.

"Jax never just sleeps, but he swore nothing happen with you two, which shocked all of us. That boy can't pass a woman without her ending up in his bed." Gemma said, her words sending a pang of jealously down Paige's spine.

"A lot of women?" Paige asked almost as if she was being coy about the subject.

"Skanks darlin, nothing serious. Croweaters and whores who wanted a night with him, nothing serious. Jax loves you, he won't admit it, but I know he does. He thinks I don't know about all the times he went looking for you, even the times he said he was just going for a ride." Gemma explained, Paige trying not to smile as she thought about the possibility of being with Jax, not just physically either.

"Tara is back in town, and I know he has feelings for her too Gem. How can I the so called best friend compete with the first love? It's nearly impossible." Paige sighed, leaning back in the chair, her hands tugging on her purple blouse, the low cut revealing her bra a little more than she wanted, but then again her clothes were limited.

"His feelings for her are nothing Paige, I saw you two this morning when I went to wake Jax up. You can tell by the way a man holds a woman darlin, where his heart lays, and his is with you." Gemma said reassuring her.

Their conversation was cut short with the roar and rumble of the bikes, Xavier going crazy with excitement as he jumped up and down and cheered to go outside. Paige laughed and walked with him outside just in time to see the boys ride up on their bikes.

"YAY!" Xavier yelled as he cheered them on, the guys smiling and revving up their bikes just for him. Paige had never seen her son so happy, it made her heart swell as she knew she had finally done something right.

"Where is my big boy!" Chibs yelled from the clubhouse, motioning for Xavier to come to him. Paige watched with pride and love as her son ran into her father's arms, both of them smiling from a happiness that she had never seen before.

"Take me for a ride! Ride!" Xavier yelled, Chibs looking at Paige for the okay. She nodded her head, watching as Clay took out a small little leather vest from a bag, a small SAMCRO patch on the side.

Paige watched with tears in her eyes as the guys pretended to patch in Xavier, Jax looking over at her with a smile on his face that brought butterflies to her stomach. She watched with slight fear as Chibs showed Xavier how to hold the handle bars, Xavier never in real danger since her father had a strong hold on him.

"Just around the block." She said, hearing protest from the guys and Xavier. She scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest as she was no doubt overruled. She watched as Xavier rode off with her father, Tigs and Bobby following close behind.

"He will be in great hands sweetie, go get something to eat inside." Gemma said, motioning to Jax who was walking inside the clubhouse with two bags of food. Paige smirked and walked inside, her mind needing the rest and her body craving some food.

She smiled as she walked inside, Jax sitting at one of the tables with the food and two sodas ready for them. She sat down across from him and tried to raise her shirt over her cleavage, Jax staring at her exposed chest.

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