Chapter Thirteen: Shattered Heart

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"Everything looks goods, baby's heartbeat is good—you however need to rest." The doctor said, giving Paige slight relief from her worries.

"Can I go see my father now?" Paige asked as the door opened, Gemma rushing in, her heels pounding on the floor. Paige smirked as she always knew when Gemma was near, a sneak attack almost impossible.

"He is in surgery, they say he will be okay, but there is some bleeding on the brain." Gemma explained as Jax followed her in the room. Paige stiffened and tried not to look at him, her mind way to consumed with worry it entertain the thought of reconciliation.

"The baby is fine—They told me to just rest." Paige said as the nurse stared to unhook the monitor from around her belly.

"We need to get you home—your father won't be out of surgery for a while." Jax suggested as the door opened again. "What's up Juice?" Jax asked with a confused look on his face. He stepped back as Paige lifted her arms, Juice hugging her tight as Jax stood and watched in anger and confusion.

"Oh." Jax said as he rushed from the room, Juice running after him leaving Paige and Gemma in the tension. Paige ran her hand through her hair in frustration as she heard Jax's raised voice, his anger making her frustrated.

"Jackson stop it!" She said as she pushed in between the two guys, her hand resting on Jax as she caught his gaze. She knew that once his full name was used she wasn't playing, and she sure as hell was not wanting this nonsense in the middle of a hospital.

"You fuckin him now?" He blurted out, Paige looking around at the small group of patients and nurses that were watching it all unfold.

"No Jax, I'm not you! I don't go and fuck anything that gives me attention! Juice stepped up when you stepped out! He is my best friend and that is all he will remain." She said as she tugged at Juices shirt and pushed him down the hall and away from the mayhem. They walked down the hall in silence, the sound of Paige's name echoing behind her as they reached the elevator.

"Will you just talk to me, Jesus, Paige." Jax asked as he blocked her entry into the elevator. She rolled her eyes and motioned for Juice to go ahead of her, her mind racing as she leaned against the wall. She crossed her arms over her chest and avoided his gaze, the gaze that always sucked her back in.

Paige wanted to mend things, and have the happy family like it should be, but she wasn't going to let him off the hook just yet. "What did you want to talk about?" She asked as she pulled away from him, watching as he grew more and more upset.

"Are we just done?" He asked, his blue eyes captivating her once again. She felt that familiar flutter in her belly, that same one that always made her forget about how he had hurt her. Paige was so easily sucked in by his charm and smile, that she had let him off the hook too many times.

"What did I say when you left that day? If you leave that was it Jax, and you left. Without another thought just left your pregnant girl. Then not even a few months later you are fucking another woman—like what I was to you and what we had was nothing Jax." Paige admitted as she lowered her voice as a family walked onto the elevator.

"I messed up okay, but so did you."

"Yeah I know Jax and you have punished me enough. I told you I was sorry and I have spent the first few months of my pregnancy in tears and agony. What should be a happy time, has been one of the worst times of my life. I have spent night after night sitting on the couch waiting for you to come home, and then one day I realized that you weren't. In fact, coming home wasn't even on the radar for you." Paige said, as tears started to form in her eyes.

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