Chapter 31

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All of the Iron fleet had docked. They were definitely getting closer to Meereen, but they had some days of sailing left to go. Theon and Tara followed Yara off the ship. It was a new city for them. All of the men around them were stocking the ship, and so many people were working and walking around everywhere. The buildings were stories tall and they were all crammed together. So many people were everywhere.

Tara grabbed Theon's hand. She wasn't against admitting that she was nervous. Cities like this reminded her of her broken past.

All of the men from their ships were heading in flocks to a whore house. Yara looked behind at Theon and Tara.

"Are you going to be coming with?" Yara asked.

Tara didn't want to go in there. It would probably be too much. She bet it was exactly how it used to be for her. Theon didn't answer the question but looked down at Tara. She was looking off somewhere.

"It's not just a whore house." Yara tried to convince them, "Just get a drink, nothing else."

Despite that neither of them wanted to, they followed Yara into the whore house. The second they walked in, Tara's grip became even tighter on Theon's hand. She couldn't help but have memories flush back to her in full force.

Theon held her tight and was the one leading her. They sat at a table with Yara. Yara immediately found a woman to entertain herself with and Theon and Tara were stuck there with full cups of ale in front of them.

Tara was trying so hard to not bring them back. She tried to focus on other things, but it definitely was difficult as naked whores were everywhere she looked.

"Are you okay?" Theon asked only just her. It was loud enough that no one would hear them.

Tara didn't know what to say. She stared into the crowd, but then she saw something that was too much. She saw a young girl. The girl was probably only 13 years old, and Tara couldn't take it. Tara suddenly picked up the ale and drank the whole thing in one try. It caught the attention of Yara as she turned her head slightly from the whore who was on top of her.

"Tara?" Theon said. Tara stood up and looked at Theon as she started to leave.

"I need to be alone." Tara said to him as she walked away. Theon stood up after her and was going to follow her, but he didn't know if he should respect her wishes.

"Let her go." Yara said. The whore on top of her was still kissing her.

Theon turned angrily towards Yara, "Why did we come here?"

Yara sighed and turned to her whore. She kissed her and then said, "Don't go far love. I'll be looking for you soon." The woman walked away.

Yara turned back to Theon. He was still standing. "Sit. Have a drink." Yara said.

"I don't want one." Theon said.

"Then sit." Yara commanded. Theon listened but not before he turned to see if he could see Tara anymore. He couldn't. Yara noticed him look for her.

"Don't worry, she will be back." Yara said as she took a drink, "It must be nice to have a free whore, the rest of us have to pay." Yara chuckled.

Anger rose inside of him. He couldn't believe Yara would say something like that. Tara was not a whore.

"I'm sorry." Yara turned more towards him, "I was trying to cheer you up."

The apology seemed genuine, but Theon was still angry.

"I would never hurt you little brother." She said as she poured herself a drink, "Don't you know that?"

Theon tried to think about something other than Tara, "Do you think Uncle Euron is hunting for us?"

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