Chapter 46

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Tara walked through the brush back down to the beach where their boat was. However, she wasn't thinking about that, all she could think about was Jakor. She hated that he was right, she hated it more than anything, and now she hated she was about to leave him again, the only sibling she had left. 

Tara was forced out of her thought when she saw two goldcloaks standing in front of Davos. She immediately ducked down behind the shrubbery, even though the gold cloaks backs were facing her. 

She watched as Davos handed them what she guessed was bribes before Davos walked back to the boat. She didn't know who the young man was that stood next to the boat. Davos turned back and talked to the gold cloaks but Tara couldn't hear what they were saying over the sound of the waves. 

Davos brought up the cloth that was over the boat and talked more to the gold cloaks. He handed them something to eat out of the boat. 

The goldcloaks eventually walked away but that's when Tyrion started to walk up. Tara knew that whatever Davos had tricked them with wasn't going to work now. She kept low and started to move down towards them, just incase she could help somehow. Although, before Tara could even get down to them, the man she didn't know swung his hammer and took out both the gold cloaks. Tara paused. He made it seem like it was nothing.

Tara now stood up and ran towards the boat. They needed to leave quickly now. 

"There she is." Davos said. Tara ran towards them as they started to get ready to push it out into the water. 

"Tara, this is Gendry." Davos said quickly. Tara made eye contact with Gendry and he gave her a quick nod. 

They pushed the boat out into the water. 


They were all now in the hull of a ship sailing back to Dragonstone. It would be a bit of time before they would be back. Sometimes, these trips could be almost boring but Tara completely submerged into her thoughts. So much so, that she didn't see Tyrion approaching her. 

"Are you alright?" He broke her thoughts. She jumped slightly before she looked up at him. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." Tyrion sat down next to her. She just took a deep breath and didn't say anything in response. 

"You haven't said anything since we left. What happened?" Tyrion asked. 

Tara looked at the wooden hull of the ship, "I found my brother, Jakor." 

"He had family." Tara continued. Tyrion could feel sadness radiating off of her. "He couldn't come with me." Tyrion didn't say anything. He just listened as she spoke. 

"It felt wrong to leave him after I had just found him." Tara said. She finally moved her eyes off the wood of the ship and to Theon. She knew there was a lot more she could say but it was taking too much out of her. 

"I'm guessing you found your brother as well." Tara said to change the subject over to Tyrion. 

"I did." Tyrion said. 

"Did he agree to the meeting?" 

"The real question is if he'll be able to talk to Cersei." Tyrion said, "I hope for all of us that she'll listen."


Tara found Theon on one of the walkways in Dragonstone. He was standing there, looking off into the distance. Theon was so deep in thought that he hadn't even noticed her. 


He turned to her. He was past relieved to see her in front of him. He immediately made his way towards her and put both his hands on the sides of her face. He kissed her deeply. Tara was so surprised at first that it took her a moment to kiss him back. 

They slowly pulled away from each other, resting their foreheads against one another. 

"I'm so glad to see you." Theon breathed. 

"I am too." Tara said. 

They backed away from each other, but Theon still held Tara's hands in his own. 

"Did you find them?" He asked. 

Tara looked to the ground and let out a shaky breath. It took a moment for her eyes to again find Theon. Theon looked into her blue eyes looking for some kind of answer. 

"I found my brother, but-" Tara paused, "He was the only one left."

Theon didn't break from her eyes, "I'm so sorry."

Tara pushed back tears. She didn't want to relive all the emotions, at least not right now. However, it was getting more difficult. 

"He couldn't come with me Theon." Tara's voice broke. 

Theon pulled her closer and held her in a hug. Tara let herself be surrounded by Theon. She tucked her head into his chest, willing herself to not cry again. Theon placed his hand on the back of her head and tried to comfort her as best he could. He didn't know how it must have felt for her, he just knew there had to be pain. 

"I'm sorry I left you." Tara said, still in Theon's embrace. 

"You don't have to be sorry," Theon was repeating what she had said to him, "Not now that you are here." 

Tara pulled back from his embrace. They both met each other's eyes. Theon could remember the first time he saw her eyes. He had given up the thought that anyone was coming to save him. That anyone could hear his screams of pain. Theon was sure he would never see the sky again. He would never see the constellations and stars that reminded him of home ever again. He had lost all hope for life. 

And that's when he saw Tara's soft eyes for the first time. She had saved him. 

"I don't want to be a coward anymore Tara." Theon finally said.

"I want to be like you." He said, "I want to be strong."

"Theon." Tara was aghast, "Theon, you are strong."

Theon shook his head and looked to the ground. When Tara saw his doubt, she placed her hand on the side of his arm. 

"Look at me." Tara was searching for his eyes. Theon made himself met her's again, even though it felt difficult. 

"You are strong." Tara said firmly, "Most people wouldn't be able to survive what you did. Not even close."

"I deserved it." Theon interrupted. Tara could see tears were welling up in his eyes. 

"No one deserves what you went through Theon."Tara was confident in her words, "Not even the most evil men deserve what Ramsay did to you."

"But Yara, I left her." Theon said. 

"And you are going to get her back." Tara said confidently. 

Theon nodded. She was right. He wasn't going to leave Yara again. He wouldn't forget her and he wouldn't let Euron win. Not anymore. 

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