june 23

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The song that inspired me to write this book.⬆⬆⬆

Everyone knows that summer starts on june 22nd but barry knows more then anyone that Caitlin snow would get to her grandmother Doreen's summer cabin on the 23rd of June and that without fail she would sit on the porch swing in silance until all the stars came out and it was to cold to not have a jacket.

Barry knows this because ever since they were 2 barry and caitlin would meet on the seconed day of summer so barrys father and caitlins grndmother could catch up and so caitlin and barry had something to do.

Right after barry and his father left she would sit out side and just watch time go by on that old porch swing that creeked when it moved.

It was funny how caitlin was almost 17 and she still did the same thing every year without inturuption and barry was never caught watching her.

Caitlin got out of the shinny blue car got her bags from the boot and then kissed her mother on the cheek goodbye her mum wouldnt miss her of course caitlin was sure she loved her job more then her.

Caitlin bent down to get her bags making hair fall in her face she pushed it behind her ear then carried her bags up the porch steps her grandmother swung the door open and envolped caitlin in a hug.

Caitlin walked in to the old cabin she knew so well and she rembered everything the smell of jasmin and the fire place that was only ever lit on a cold rainy day she rembered the old oak table in the dining room where her Doreen, Barry and Barry's dad Henry would have there annual its good to be back dinner whenever caitlin arrived.

She looked at the photos on the mantle of her family and smiled there was one of caitlin when she was 5 she had fallen asleep on barry and he had fallen asleep on her it was so cute caitlin smiled at the photo she looked so peacfull so did barry but then again they was 5.

She continued to look at the photos until she found thr one of her mother as a teenager even as a teenager she looked stricked.

Doreen came into the room and looked at caitlin she could tell caitlin wasnt as happy as she usally was she looked broken she didnt look like herself.

The last time caitlin was at the cabin she had the biggest smile anyone had ever seen bright clothes and light pink streaks in her hair.

Now her hair was a solid Amber colour it was curled and the curles flowed down her back her skin was more pale and her clothes like her mother's sensible she had a black pencil skirt on and a white shirt.

Caitlin didnt look like herself she looked faded.

"Why dont you go get ready for dinner henry and his son should be here soon" Doreen suggested

Caitlin simply nodded then walked to her room.

everything was how she left it with pictures of her and barry and her with her grandmother but caitlins favourite photo was the one of her and barry at the beach her hair was wet and so was barrys she was wearing shorts and a pink top barry was wearing a blue top and some swim shorts.

They had just had a mager water fight that barry had clearly won since she was drenched they were sat under a tree and barry had his arm around her and her face was pressed to his chest.

Caitlin and barry had always been just friends but she would if been lying if she said she had never thought of being anything more then that with him in her early teens.

She looked at her self in the mirro her didnt feel like her self.

Then there was a knock at the old wooden door caitlin walked toward it since her grandmother was still setting up the table she opened the door and was greeted by to familar faces.

Flash back 10 years ago  (pun intened)

As soon as caitlin herd the knock on the door caitlin ran toward it and flung it open barry came running in caitlin hugged him she was only 6 barry was 7 he was a few months older.

"Awwww barry is caitlin your girlfriend?" henry teased

"Eww gross we are friends" barry said with a smile.

Caitlin and barry were playing jenga when doreen called for them to come and eat there dinner.

They talked about what had happened in the last year like the new  cafe that had opened down the road and how hot summer was supposed to be barry and caitlin talked about cartoons and when the night ended the two friends made a promies to see each other the next day.

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