days that just won't end

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Sorry for late update

It had been 3 weeks since they had gotton together and they were together nearly all the time doreen was more then happy she loves them together as did henry.

Caitlin was sat in the kitchen barry had gone out with his dad for the day so she decided to stay in she was going through Facebook when she got a text from felicity.

Look out your window.

Caitlin frowned at the message

Why??? She replied but went to the window anyway she saw a small white car.

Her phone buzzed again.


Caitlin rushed outside and felicity emerged from the car and squeeled caitlin giggled and thr two friends hugged.

"What are you doing here?" Caitlin exsclaimed

"Well I passed my drivers test and I thought I would come and see you is it ok if I stay for a day or two?" Felicity stated

"Of course" caitlin grinned

"Wait there's more... and I need you not to hate me" felicity said Serously

"What?.. what is it?" Caitlin asked axusously

Then the car door swung open "hey cait" said a voice caitlin knew all to well.

"Ronnie" she whispered

Flashback caitlin & barry are 12

"Come on barry it's not hard" caitlin giggled

"Yes it is! I could die!" He snapped he was curently clutching a long pice of rope that they had just tied to a tree branch caitlin was in the water below and barry was standing on the edge.

"I did it so you can to!"

"No your dangouse your reblieous and you have crazy pink hair"

"SO!.. just jump allen" caitlin scolded

"Ok 1...2..." he looked at caitlin who was standing in the wayer below with her arms folded over her chest "3..." barry jumped in the water and landed  with a splash caitlin bent over in a fit of laughter while barry rubbed his eyes.

"See its not that that bad"

He shook his head "can we go home now?" He pleaded

Caitlin rolled her eyes and smirked "your such a girl"

Barry pulled a face "no I'm not your just boyish" he shot back

"Boyish?" She laughed "thats not even a word" Barry stuck his tong out and climbed out the water and held his hand out for caitlin.

They tried to sneak back into doreen's cabin so they could grab a few towns but that failed.

"Caitlin! Barry!" They turned around to see henry and doreen with very angry faces.

"You were supposed to be back an hour ago and why are you wet?"

Caitlin grinned sheepishly and looked down " um...ummm... I went In the river in the woods" barry mumbled

Henry shook his head "what?! You two could off gotten hurt we didnt know where you were!"

"Sorry" they both said in unison

End of flash back
"Wha...what are you doing here?"Caitlin stuttered

"I've come to apologise for what I did it was stupid I know that now I... I want you back cait"

She froze in place.

Then slowly shook her head.

"No. No. No! You can't do that-this you can't just show up here and exspect me to forgive you!"

"I know I did a stupid thig but... please just think about it... about us" Ronnie pleaded

"Don't you get it I don't want there to be an 'us' I want there to be a me and and a you that's far. Far. Away frome me"

"Caitlin I'm sorry I didn't think" felicity apologised she looked at her friend "its ok I don't blame you I blame HIM"

Ronnie turned to get in the car "we are staying at the oak hotel feel free to stop by"

Caitlin nodded and felicity got in thr car that's when to strong arms wrapped around her waist caitlin smiled and looked up at  barry she kissed him then a put her head on his shoulder."You wouldn't belive the day I'm having" she mumbled 

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