ice cream

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I dear you to kiss me....
Barry and caitlin's eyes were locked for a while and they sat in silence after caitlin had said those words neither of them moved neither of them wanted to afraid of what might happen neither of them knew how long they had been staring at each other waiting for one of them to make a move.

Barry breifly glanced at her lips then he looked back into her brown eyes.

Caitlin took a deep breath in and tore her eyes away from barry then just looked in front of her she could feel Barry's gaze still on her she sighed then stood up and headed to the kitchen leaving barry speachless.

She returned and sat next to him but not as close this time she brought a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream with her and a spoon she ate then ice cream while barry sat there still in silance his mouth slightly open she could tell he was in shock but she didn't do anything about it.

After about 5 minuets she turned to look at barry who looked frozen she eyed him up and down and waved her hand in front of his face.

"Barry?" She said unsure If he was even in the same univers as her at that time.

He blinked a few times then looked at the ice cream in caitlin's hands she frowned at him and tilted her head to one side "are you ok?" She asked

"You dared me to kiss you" barry breathed

Caitlin nodded slowly then ate some more ice cream "then you freaked out and sat there frozen for like 15 minuets I think you were in shock" caitlin exsplained.

Barry sighed "Do you wanna talk about it?" Barry asked weary of how caitlin felt

"Do you want some ice cream?" She replied  barry grinned at her "you know where the spoons are" Barry headed to the kitchen and grabbed a spoon he them joined caitlin on the sofa.

"So you freaked out" caitlin stated

"I didnt freak out!" Barry said a little to loudly "yes you did you told me you loved me then I deared you to kiss me you froze and now we are sat here eating cinnamon ice cream" caitlin laughed

"I froze I didn't freak out... its just you just broke up with your boyfriend I just broke up with linda I think we just need time that's all to get to know each other" barry stuttered

Caitlin burst out laughing making barry gleared at her "I'm so sorry but we need time to get to know each other? Barry we've known each other forever?" Caitlin said while laughing "I've known you that long I know your lying" she said playfully hitting his arm.

She stoped laughing and calmed down "what really made you 'freeze' like that?" She asked softly

"I like our friendship cait and I don't know what I would do if I lost you" he anwsered truthfully caitlin looked at him with pride "you'll never lose me barry friends for ever remember"

He looked lovingly at her a small smile crept on to his lips "do you... want to maybe go on a... date with me?"

Caitlin nodded "don't you think we've waited long enough" the young women beamed "by date you mean dinner or a movie right? Not the woods or something crazy?"

Barry chuckled at her comment "of course I wouldn't want you to get hurt on our first real date"

"I'm going to hold you to that"

"I bet you will so I will pick you up tomrow at 6 ish?" Barry questioned

"That should give enough time to  shop for clothes that don't make me look like a snob or my mother...I would call you or something but you still have my phone" caitlin laughed

"I will get it now I will be back in 5" barry said getting up.

This chapter shorter I will let u guys chose how long the chapters are I usally make them 800-1200 words and I know long chapters  can get boring so I will let you all chose no more then 1200 word though coz I'm not getting as much sleep as I should ever since I got this app

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