bringing caitlin back part 2

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When barry got home he decided to go stight to bed when he felt somthing in his pocket caitlin's phone he turned it on she had a password of course she did she was caitlin barry tried to get in by tapping.

1234. 1307 (her birthday) 4321 then finally 2206 and it worked barry found it cute how the first day of summer was her password.

He opened up her facebook and scrolled through it barry made a mental note to send her a friend request.

She didn't have much on Facebook it was mainly tags from some girl named iris west who barry reconised  from the photo caitlin had shown him in most of the photos she was wearing really short skirts way to much makeup and pouting with a black and white filter.

Barry was shocked caitlin was friends with someone like that growing up she was the comple opposite to people like that and that's what barry had always loved about her.

He found a photo that ronnie had tagged her in it said 'love her 😘💋💓' as a caption and in the photo caitlin's head was on ronnie shoulder and she was smiling like a idiot.

Barry looked through her photo albums when he came across a album called 'summer (barry&me)' he looked at all the photos she had uploaded there was one from when they were 10 caitlin was on Barry's back and she was doing the peace sign with her fingers barry had his tongue stuck out he had forgotten about that day all this time.

He clicked of Facebook and went into her photos there was a lot of pictures of her and Ronnie and iris he scrolled up untill he found some pictures of the caitlin he remembered the one with crazy highlighted hair and fun clothes soon enough barry figured out she became like this she changed after she met iris and Ronnie and this other short guy who had meduim length black hair.

Barry knew he had to fix this he had to bring his caitlin back.
Caitlin woke up in her bed she couldn't remember going to bed but she shrugged that thought off she herd sounds like plates being banged together coming from the kitchen she rolled out of bed it was only 8:30.

"Did you sleep well?" Doreen asked

Caitlin nodded "how did I get to bed? I don't remember going" caitlin admitted.

Doreen pulled out her phone and showed her the picture she had taken just the night before where caitlin was asleep on barry.

Caitlin groaned "eeeeerrrr This is so embarrassing"

Her grandmother laughed "I've made you some pancakes I'm going to a town meeting and I'm guessing you've made plans with barry so don't get in too much trouble I will be home around 6" she stated

"Thats a really long meeting" caitlin mumbled she didn't think doreen herd her but her responses aid other wise.

"The meeting only lasts 2 hours but I'm going to give you and barry some alone time" doreen chuckled

"Eww Barry's like my brother" caitlin snapped

"Umm hum" doreen nodded in disbelief

Caitlin groaned "I will leave some keys in the bowl lock the door if you are going out" said the old woman leaving.

Caitlin went ate the pancakes she had always loved her grandmother pancakes especially with Nutella (na-who doesn't).

Then she went to the bathroom to get changes and do her morning ritual moisturising her skin brushing her hair and teeth then adding light make up she herd a knock at the door half way through 'barry' she thought.

"Just come in if your name Is barry Allen I'd your a murderer or somthing  just wait out side I'm getting changed" caitlin yelled in the direction of the door.

Barry walked in smiling to his self "its a murderer" he said almost yelling.

"Well give me a minuet barry I'm getting changed" caitlin shouted back.

"I know the murderer told me" barry chuckled.

Caitlin came out the bath room and started wondering around the living room barry watched her- her hair was still in a messy bun she hadn't brushed it yet.

Barry looked at her "what are you doing?" He asked

"Looking for my makeup bag" she replied.

"No I mean what are you doing wearing that they don't look like clothes my caitlin would wear" barry scolded.

She stopped and looked up at him "your caitlin?" She said raising an eyebrow.

Barry blushed out of embarrassment "You know what I mean the old you Before you got corrupted by your new friend and while we are on the subject of the old you the old you never wore makeup she thought it would mess with her face and she hated the fact it could've been tested on animals" barry explained

"I'm not corrupted barry I just great up you should try it some time" caitlin teased

"I did grow up I just obviously did a better job at it then you" barry mumbled under his breath

"What's that suppose to mean" caitlin hissed now with her hands on her hips.

"Nothing" barry whispered He found it weird how even though caitlin looked different talked diffrent even acted different barry was still scared of her.

Caitlin sighed then left to go get ready barry sat on the sofa and ran his hands through his hair this was going to be hard he thought to himself.

30 minutes later
Caitlin walked back into the living room and stood in front of barry he looked her up and down then looked back at his phone "let's go" caitlin exclaimed happily.

"No." Barry said simply

"What why?" She asked

"Because you can't wear that to wear we are going" he said still looking at his phone screen caitlin groaned and rolled her eyes "come back when you are dressed normally" he said still not looking up.

Caitlin stormed of and changed her clothes she wore a pair of shorts and a  dark pink tank top.

She walked back into the room "I guess that will do" he smiled pulling her out the door she locked it before barry dragged her away from it.

They picked up ice cream on the way to where every they were going barry refused to tell caitlin but she went with it anyway "so you should probably burn those clothes you were  wearing before" barry said out of the blue.

"What why?"She snapped

"Because if we are going to bring you back they have to. Go" barry said simply

"What do you mean I haven't gone anywhere?" Caitlin said puzzled

Barry sighed "Thats exactly my point"

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