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"Then she said I've got it" all three of the friends burst out laughing they were all sat in barrys living room Leah was supposed to go back home the next morning and she was telling a story about one of her friends.

"Your friends sound great" barry smiled

"Yeah they are" Leah smiled shyly and looked at her hands on her lap "I'm really happy for you guys and it's about time"

Barry chuckled and caitlin lent into his side he intertwined their fingers.

"By the way I exspect to be invited to your wedding if not I will not talk to you ever again and caitlin I know you have that whole thing about not wanting to get married because you don't want to be owned by someone and you don't want children because you don't want your life to be to...messy but I think..."

Barry cut Leah off "Wait you don't want to get married or have kids?!" Barry exsclaimed Caitlin's cheeks went red.

"Well...ummm can we just talk about this later I really don't want to do this now" caitlin said flatly and shifted uncomfortably.

'Sorry' Leah mouthed caitlin smiled slightly and just let the blond tell more stories about her school life she felt barrys eyes on her almost the whole time but she didn't dare look at him once.

Caitlin wasn't really listening everything was just white noise and she just started into nothingness lost in thought untill "caitlin?!" She jumped and snapped her head to look at barry who looked concerned she shook her head to clear it and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Come on I will walk you home" barry stated holding his hand out for her she accepted it and followed him out.

Their hands were still joined when they got outside she hadn't realised how long they had been at Barry's it was just after sun set so the sky was a greyish colour and the air was thick.

After a long silance he spoke "can we please talk about what Leah said in there?"

Caitlin sighed "sure what do you want to know?" She mumbled

"What do you want out of this reletionship? You don't want to get married or have kids what do you want?"

Caitlin just stared at him "I don't know barry I'm 16 I've never seen myself getting married or having kids and I know you have you always have even when we were younger you wanted to get married and be a dad but I've never wanted that and the only reason your mad at me about it is because for so long you've ignored that I don't want all the things you want because you see me as this girl that you fell in love with when you were 5. NEWS FLASH WE ARE NOT 5!" Caitlin snapped

"Thats what you think that I see you how I want to see you" Barry replied anger lacing his voice

"Yes barry that's what I think...I think you see me as that girl full of hope for the world but that's not who I am any more I'm not that caitlin anymore I'm not your cait anymore I grew up you should to!"

"I don't belive you! You are still the same girl that I- I use to spend hours talking to in that tree the girl that made me watch high school musical 10 times"

"No I'm not she is gone and she isn't coming back you know what this was a bad idea we both want diffrent things and don't try to tell me otherwise you want a future that I can't give to you"

Barry shook his "what are you saying?"

"Im saying that I'm not what you need or want" caitlin muttered

"But your what I want" barry whispered Caitlin shook her head.

"I-I need time to think goodnight barry" caitlin said walking inside he sighed and sat on the porch steps he wasn't going to let her go he couldn't.

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