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caitlin woke up and realised that her pillow was actually a person  she looked up at barry and smiled he was so cute when she slept .

She got up and checked her phone it was 6:30 am she suprised her self she had never gotten up this early without trying.

She through a blanket over barey and headed to the kitchen she got her self a drink and sat on the arm chair so she didnt wake barry she turned the TV on but made sure it was quite she was the only one awake and that almost never happened her grandma was still sleeping so she decided to just watch the news and enjoy the Sunday morning.

Barry woke up about an hour later while caitlin was watching a story about an earth quake in a foren contry.

"Your awake" barry croaked

"yeah I've been up for about an hour" Caitlin anwsered in a hushed Tone.

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"Because you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you up you deserve sleep"

Barry smiled lazily "what time is it?"

"About half past seven I'm suprised my grandma isn't awake yet. Breakfast?" Caitlin offered

barry nodded and joined her in the kitchen he placed his hands on her waist and she turned around to face him she giggled when he pecked her cheek.

Then a throt cleared from behind them making them jump apart doreen chuckled "as you were I don't mind" Caitlin blushed and barry finished of breakfast they all sat around the dinning table.

"Don't worry Bartholomew I called your father last night after I saw you two sleeping" barry went red making caitlin giggle.

The three of them just talked until about 9 when felicity called asking if they could all meet up at the small cafe for breakfast caitlin had agreed and forced barry to come with her after they had both changed there clothes of course.

When they arrived caitlin bought 2 hot chocolates and they waited for felicity at a table near the window.

Caitlin was telling barry a story about felicity when the bell on the door rang indercating someone new had arrived.

The to girls hugged and barry just sat there awkwardly felicity's eyes kept straying to look at barry "oh right this is barry"

"Hi" felicity greeted and shook his hand "I'm going to get some coffee" felicity continued the went up to the counter.

"Your friend seems nice" barry muttered

Caitlin smiled "yeah she is but once she has set her mind on something there is no stopping her"

When she got back with a large coffee In her hands she sat down opposite them.

"So caitlin what's new in your life?" Felicity asked.

"Ummm oh I got into central city collage so did barry so we will be going to school together" caitlin stated happily

"Oh that's great I'm do happy for you I got into CCC to but I also got into SCC and MIT but I don't know witch one to pick at CCC I get to be with you and cisco at SCC I'm closer to family but at  MIT I'd a great opportunity there computer since curriculum is amazing" felicity exsplained

"Wait you haven't anwsered any of them yet you know the cut of date is next week" caitlin said

"I know I know but I really want to go to MIT but I don't want to move across the contry and SCC has nothing to and CCC..." felicity didn't know how to finish 

Caitlin smiled "so it's settled your going to CCC"

Felicity opened and closed her mouth several times but didn't say anything she just changed the subject.

"So what happened with you and Ronnie? he told me you broke up with him and thst you've been ignoring his calls for weeks"

"Wait he's been calling you?" Barry questioned

Caitlin started biting her lip then met barrys eyes "sorry I didn't want to bother you with this and everything's been going so well" caitlin rambled on.

"Hey" barry squeezed her hand "I don't care that you didn't tell me I get it... but if he bothers you again tell me ok?" Barry said softly lacing there fingers together and pressing a kiss to her tempel.

"You guys are together!" Felicity exclaimed a few people looked at her making her sink in her seat.

"Yeah I thought you knew" she replied.

"Dose this look like the face of some one who knew how long have you guys been dating?"

"Ummm...almost a month" caitlinsaid shyly

Felicity's eyes widened "wow ok...but I still need to know what happened with you and Ronnie I thought you were great together" felicity pouted

"Apprently not because he was dating iris"

Felicity gasped "I'm so sorry I didnt know if you want a few of his personal files could find there Way to his Facebook,Twitter,instergram"

Caitlin giggled "its ok I got barry and that's enough"

Barry smiled and kissed her.

"Oooorrrr I'm happy for you but you know we're still in public right" felicity said in awe.

"We grew up with almost everyone in here Mrs.kent is my neighbour I used to water her plants she on table 14 Mr.logan on table 10 me and caitlin used to walk his dogs Mr and Mrs Johnson on table 6 used to babysit us and the person who owns this  place is tessa she's an old friend of my dads" barry exsplained

"We know almost everyone here this is where we grew up and besides there's probably only 100 people at the resort the main towns an hour away this cafe and the shop next door are the only 2 places here that you can really go to and besides barry and my grandmother both live in the closest town we don't really get many visitors and the resort is only open in summer so..."

"Wow I mean wow I knew there had to be a reason there were only like 10 people at the hotel... wait do you know who owns the hotel?"

"Shelly" barry and caitlin said in unison

Making then all laugh "i mean how do you do it I mean this place is so diffrent from the city there all you have to do is walk down the street and there are like 10 shops here is just so diffrent in a good way I mean it's very beautiful"

She nodded agreeing with her friend "I've always liked it here more then the city here I can breath and I don't have to worry about being mugged"

Felicity's phone started ringing it was here mother telling her she had to be home as soon as possible because she had had a accident at work.

Caitlin understood and bid her friend goodbye.

Sorry about the wait and if you read my other story's tell me which one you want me to update because my time is limited.

Every summerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora