its good to be back dinner

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"Hello Caitlin you get more beautiful every year" henry greated and hugged caitlin she didn't hug him back though.

She only gave a small smile caitlin never liked compliments and barry knew this but caitlin always accepted and gave out hugs but she did not hug henry back it was only a small difrance and barry had only been with her for a minuet but he knew something wasnt right with her she was not his caitlin.

Barry looked caitlin up and down and she did the same to him barry had gotton a little bit taller and more muscular but he still smiled the same his eyes were still the same he still dressed the same in old jeans and a gray top.

Caitlin had changed alot compared to barry her smile wasnt as real and she seemed less trusting.

"you look different" barry stated with no emotions caitlin couldnt tell if that was a good or bad thing.

"And you havent changed a bit" caitlin shot back mocking him.

"noticing her looks now barry is some one in love?" Henry joked barry just shook his head and smiled and mumbled something like "every year"

Caitlin didnt react in any way which came as a suprise to both men caitlin would always say somthing back or go bright red and smile but this year she still wore that stight look on her face the one she had been wearing ever since she had arrived.

"Anyway I missed you" barry said opening his arms and attempting to hug her but she turned around and walked towars the dinning room.

Henry gave barry a questioning look barry only shrugged in response A short old woman came out of the kitchen holding a plate with cooked chicken on it after she placed it on the table she hugged henry and barry and kissed barry on the cheek in that way garnd mothers do that makes you wipe your face and say 'ew'.

They all sat around the table in the same places they always sat in barry would sit next to caitlin and henry and Doreen would sit opposite them.

"Now before we eat lets all hold hands pray and thank God for the food on are table and us all being together right now"

Henry and doreen linked hands caitlin was staring into space not really paying atention untill barry put his hand on top of hers and she jumped and looked at barry "what" she hissed

"We have to hold hands to pray" barry whispered.

Caitlin looked at the other people at the table who where looking at her funny so she grabbed barry and her grand mothers hand from across the table.

There was definitely somthing wrong.

They thanked god for bringing them together for there food and they blessed all the people who were less forturnet then them.

Then began eating it was usally caitlin who did all the talking but she said nothing just picked at her food.

"So caitlin hows school going i belive your in your last year?" henry said breaking the silence.

"No i finished school this year I skipped a year because I was getting higher grads then everyone my age and older" caitlin addmitted

"Thats funny so did barry but why are you not wearing your leavers ring?" Henry asked

"Uummm...I lost it" caitlin lied she knew exactly where it was it was in her bottom draw in her room at home that ring brought back memories ones she wanted to stay hidden.

"How?" Barry asked seeing right threw her lie.

"it was in my... umm... bag and I opened my bag and it was gone" she lied again.

"Your a terrible lier" barry whispered only loud enough for her hear.

They ate in silance agin untill Doreen spoke up hating how quiet it was.

"So barry what collage are you going to?"

"Central city school of science" (an-stupid i know but its not like im old enough to even be looking at collages)

The old womans face lit up "isnt that where your going cait?" She asked her grand daughter who again wasnt listening.

Barry waved his hand in front of her face until she blinked ans slapped it away.

"Caitlin are you feeling ok?" Barry asked

Then her phone started ringing she groaned and ignored it.

They all pretened like it never happened and started eating again "so caitlin are you dating anyone?" Henry questioned

Befor caitlin could anwser doreen did "last I herd you where dating that guy ronnie"

Caitlin choked abit on her food they all stoped eating and looked at her "can we not talk about my love life please its... really messy" caitlin stated

They all nodded "so your diffrent i mean your hair is one colour your clothes are more grown up and you have not laughed at all are you ok?" Barry said what everyone was thinking.

By now they had all finished eating and were waiting on desert caitlins phone rang again she pressed the ignore button.

"Whos calling you?" Barry asked

Caitlin shook her head then her phone chimmed it was facebook she opened it and her face dropped.

"You know what i think, im going to skip desert and just go to bed" caitlin said standing up and leaving the table.

It was silent for a moment "I'll go talk to her" said the old woman standing up.

"Actually do you mind if i go talk to her i think she needs a friend" barry said leaving the room he knocked on her door then walked in.

4 years ago

Barry knocked on
the cabin door caitlins grand mother anwsered "is caitlin ready for the beach?" Barry asked

"come in she is still in bed if you can get her out of it it will be a miracle"

Barry nodded and walked towards caitlins room he opened the door she was sleeping she was wearing pajarmas with bunnys on and ger hair was a mess.

Barry poked her face "caitlin" he whispered "caitlin" he poked her again "caitlin!" He said lounder.

She groaned and rolled over "what barry let me sleep" she hissed

Then her eyes snapped open "barry what are you doing in my room?"

"doreen let me in now get out of bed and come to the beach with me" barry said trying to pull her out of bed.

But she hid under the covers "its to early" she whined

"Its almost 1pm" barry shot back

"So its still earley" caitlin complaid from under her blanket

"No its not" barry said trying to pull the blanket of her but faild misrebly because even though he was tall for his age he wasnt strong.

"Cant we just do somthing else? like you know watch a movie play a board game" caitlin suggested

"Fine but tomorrow we are going to the beach" barry snapped

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