a new feeling

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I changed caitlin's birthday to 13th July because I want to do a chapter on her birthday.

Caitlin opened the door to the cabin and headed strate to the bathroom she brought out two towels and threw one of them at barry he cought it and dried his hair.

Caitlin left to her room to go get changed into clothes that weren't soaking wet.

She walked out of her room a few minutes later her hair dryer then Before but still a little wet. She was now wearing black leggings and a over size shirt with the American flag on it.

She sat down next to barry "today has been fun" she admitted

"Days not over yet snow it's only lunch time" barry grinned

Caitlin sat up stight and turned her body side ways to look at him "why are we doing for lunch? I can make us somthing or we could go into town to get somthing" caitlin suggested

"You pick" barry muttered

"Ok we will just eat in coz I really don't want to back out yet" caitlin exsplained

Barry nodded "what do you want to eat?" She questioned

"Pasta?" He suggested

"Ok I can make pasta" caitlin said standing up and heading over to the kitchen barry followed her she pulled the pasta out the cupboard and a pan barry emptied the pasta in to the pan while caitlin boilled the ketal.

Caitlin bumped into barry when she turned around barry blushed.

"What are you doing" she asked with half a laugh.

"Sorry" he apolagised holding her arms to steady her.

Caitlin looked at his hands on her arms but didn't say anything they just looked into each others eyes.

Her heart rate started to speed up so did Barry's barry knew his sped up because of the way he felt about her all he wanted to do was kiss her  but he knee it was wrong.

Caitlin felt butterflies in her stomach when she caught barry looking at her lips then everything made sense she felt flushed.

She liked barry. No she didn't like barry this was more then a school girl crush she loved barry allen.

'Oh crap' she thought she couldn't love barry not like this anyway barry was like hrr brother her good looking brother with amazing eyes and an atractive body a very... 'stop it Caitlin!'

She told her self she noticed barrys has on her arms they were burning uner his touch what had he done to her  she didn't want to move she didn't want him to move she just wanted to look into his eyes and he in hers.

Barry looked into caitlin's brown eyes scared to lose her like she would fade away.

But then the ketal clicked in turpin there moment caitlin turned to look at the kettle and barry let go of her arms they where both really disappointed.

Barry could of sworn he herd caitlin groan a little when she turned away.

She continued making the pasta and barry watched her in awe for some reason he found her cute like this in plain Comfy clothes with slightly wet hair all though seeing her in just a sports bra and shorts also made his heart swell.

Caitlin could feel Barry's stare on her as she waited for the pasta to cook she looked back at barry and smiled before walking over to him and saying "now we wait" thru sat in the living room on the sofa with only a few inches between them.

"So your friends what are they like?" Barry asked

"Well I don't have many any more after the hole ronnie thing but my friend cisco he's hallirouse he can make anyone smile he's a bit of a geek but he is a really good friend my friend felicity well I haven't seen her since she moved to starling city so we face time a few times a week that's it really" caitlin exsplained

"Oh" barry anwsered

"What about you and your life you don't really talk much about your life outside of the resort are you dating anyone what are your friends like?" Caitlin asked casually asking if he had a girlfriend.

"I was dating someone actually linda" barry stated

Caitlin put her elbows on her lap her face in her hands then leaned forward a little.

"Was? Consider me intrigued Mr. Allen for as long as I can remember you've never had a girlfriend" caitlin teased.

"Ok we were talking about summer... she asked me what my plans were and I told her I was spending summer here not here as in your cabin here as in the resort thing I wasn't sugesying we..." caitlin cut hum off laughing "I know what you ment barry continue"

"Well she said I couldn't just leave and not be with her all summer then we got in a fight about long distance relationships and stuff then she started talking about how I was probably going cheating on her so she broke up with me all because I was going to be 1 hour away from her" barry exsplained then sighed at the end.

"I'm sorry barry if it makes you feel any better it was her loss" caitlin soothed moving closer to him and hugging him.

"Our love lifes suck" barry stated making caitlin laugh


"So what about your friends?" Caitlin asked

"Oh let's see there's oliver, tommy,winn, James they are All so diffrent but some how we are all the best of friends" barry smiled

"Maybe you will get to meet them we are going to the same collage right" barry beamed

"Oh yer I forgot some how" caitlin chuckled

"You know what this means right?" Barry questioned


"Its means our summer break will last longer this year because collage dose not start until the end of September we have a extra few weeks" barry said happily

Caitlin grinned "I will go check on dinner"

She had it bad from the moment barry told her he was single she just wanted to kiss him and to take his shirt of again but she couldn't she suprised her self on how fast this 'crush' was developing it sort of scares her but in a good way.

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