it's ok

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Still In flashback

Barry had been watching caitlin sleep for the past 2 hours he watched as small parts of her hair would fall in her face and he would brush it away his arm was around her shoulders and by now she had barriered her face into his arm.

Just as barry was about to drift off to sleep there was a small knock on the door it was doreen she smiled at barry "barry I know your very very protective over her but you need to come eat some food" doreen began

"I will eat when I know she is ok" Barry insisted doreen nodded she could see how much they loved each other even at the age of 14.

Doreen nodded and left the room barry drifted of to sleep while holding caitlin in his arms he was still pretty shaken.

Barry woke up first a few hours later because he felt caitlin moving he opened his eyes and looked down at her she looked alot better she had more colour in her face.

He looked down at her untill she fully woke up her hair was a mess but so was barrys caitlin smiled lazily at him "did you watch me sleep?" She Groaned

"Maybe I was really worried about you cait" Barry replied caitlin sat up but barry pushed her back down "you need to stay in bed for a couple more hours you had concussion" barry stated.

Caitlin huffed "your too protective barry" she snapped.

"I cant help it you scared me" barry countered.

Caitlin sighed "im sorry I will try not to scare you again i promise" caitlin muttered barry smiled.

"Where's my mum?" Caitlin asked

Barry looked down at his hands "she left about 2 hours she said she had work and that it's your own fault for climbing the tree in the firstplace" he mumbled

"Of course! I can't believe her some times I'm her daughter and she treats me like I'm a something that she would rather live with out like I'm a mistake!" Caitlin screeched sitting up.

"No no no lay back down... come on its ok... its ok" Barry soothed caitlin cried into his shirt.

"Cait listen to me" barry said meeting her eyes "there is no way you could be a mistake and there is no way I could live without you" he breathed

"Barry?" Caitlin muttered after her sobs hand gone down her head was resting on the inside of his arm and his other arm was around her waist.

"Huummm" he hummed

"Can you stay with me like this for a while?" She whispered.

"I would never leave"

Caitlin felt her heart rate speed up it was no secret they cared about each other and today just proved that.

Caitlin never really truly forgave her mother after that she had always seen some light in her untill that day. (Tbc)
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Back to regular time.

The young couple were wondering the streets of the small town center.
The town center was almost a hour away from the cabins so they had to take thr bus since neither of them could drive.

They had gotten everything they need so they were just walking about enjoying the feeling of there fingers linked together.

They decided to sit down on a bench for a while and just talk and drink hot chocolate caitlin had insisted that they get some because for summer it was not that hot.

"Tell me a secret" caitlin mumbled her head was on his shoulder it was a dull day and there weren't many people out the sky was a grey ish colour like it was about to rain but they didnt care.

"Umm...I think you know everything about me already" he anwsered

"That can't be true there must be something"

Barry took a deep breath in "when we were 14 the night that we stayed at your grandmothers house in that cold spare room after you fell out the tree I nearly asked you out"  Barry addmitted

"what stoped you?"

Flash back 2 years ago continued

Henry walked into the small guest bedroom that barry and caitlin were curtly in.

"Hey Caitlin your up how are you feeling?" Henry asked

"Still a little you know crappy but I feel better thankyou for everything you to barry"

Both men grinned "I will get you some water" Henry said then left he past doreen on his way out she walked in to the room and observed the young pair.

"Caity... your mother she had to leave she asked me to look after you for a couple of days they appently she has a big business opportunity that can't wait" doreen began

"How long is a few days?" Caitlin questioned

"10 days" doreen blurted

Caitlin rolled her eyes "of course dose she know that it's almost Christmas she will be 2 days back before Christmas eve... and I only brought 1 set of clothes"

Barry rubbed her arm then henry walked in and handed caitlin some water "if it's ok with you doreen maybe barry could stay here as well keep caitlin company make sure she dosent climb trees" he suggested

"I don't see why not I don't get much company" doreen agreed.

Barry beamed "I would love to stay" he agreed.

"So it's setterled then we will leave you two alone"

Soon enough they were alone again and barry was playing with one of caitlins pink curls "why are we such good friends?" He mumbled

"Because..." caitlin didn't know how to finish she didn't want to be just friends with him but she would never tell him that.

"Well do you ever think we could be more then friends?.." barry hinted at a romantic relationship.

"You mean like brother and sister? Because brothers and sisters fall out I don't want to fall our with you ever"

Barry smiled sadly this was worse then the friends zone this was the zone far away from that.

Caitlin panicked when barry asked that she didn't want him to know about her 'small' crush.

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