Chapter Seventeen

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Ginny pulled her knees up to her chest, sobbing. It was so cold and dark in here. She wanted to go home. It had already been a full day and night, and she was still here. Had Stephen given up on her? Was he never coming to get her?

The door creaked open, blinding Ginny with a fierce light. Lady Emily stepped inside, holding an oil lamp. She set it on the ground and took a seat on the chair near the door. It groaned slightly beneath her weight, showing its age. She smirked, "Hello, my sweet, innocent Ginny. How has your time in here been?"

"You're sick, you know that?"Ginny shot back angrily.

She tilted her head, her blonde curls brushing over her shoulders, "Am I? Everyone seems to always be accusing me of something, aren't they?"

"Because you're behind everything!"

"You don't know that for sure. Where's your proof?" Lady Emily smirked, flipping her hair delicately over her shoulder.

Ginny clenched her fists, her nails biting into her palm. She was right. She had no proof. Ginny lifted her head slightly, "Stephen will find me."

"Oh, I have the full intentions that he will. I'm helping him find you. In fact, he should make it here by today." Lady Emily laughed.

"Why would you help him?"

"It's all apart of my plan. Why not kill two birds with one stone?" Lady Emily winked, picking up the oil lamp. "Well, I shall leave you to wallow in your sorrows, or whatever it is you do in here."

She left the room, leaving Ginny in the cold darkness once again.


Stephen pulled his coat closer around him, wondering how Kitty wasn't frozen to death yet in just a shawl. It was starting to snow outside. The trees were dusted with white, making them gleam in the sunlight. Stephen pulled his hat lower and looked at the piece of paper in his hand. A man at one of the bakeries in town had given them a tip about where Lady Emily had last been seen by one of the messenger boys. It was their only shot at finding Ginny. He hoped it was a good chance. They had immediately went to police, telling them what happened and showing the note from Lady Emily. They had promised to meet up with them at the address, but he assumed he and Kitty would be the first to get there.

Stephen called for a coach, waving his hand. A man pulled his horses up short for them. He thanked the driver and handed him a large tip. After helping Kitty inside, he called out the address to the man who clicked his tongue at his horses. The coach jerked into motion. They clipped at a brisk pace past all of the large homes and businesses lining the streets. Stephen realized they were slowly heading into the poorer section of the city. Finally, the coach pulled to a stop, letting Stephen and Kitty out. Stephen looked up at the large, rundown warehouse standing before them.

"You sure this is where you want to go, mister?" the driver asked, raising a questioning eyebrow.

"Quite sure, thank you." Stephen tugged confidently on his lapels and stepped out of the street.

"Very well." He snapped his reins, tearing away from the curb and leaving Stephen and Kitty to stand alone on the old street.

"Oi hope this is the right place." Kitty said, shivering against the harsh wind.

Stephen ignored her and looked around and noticed the police hadn't shown up yet, just as he had predicted. He stepped up to the old door of the building and gently pushed it open. Kitty peered over his shoulder, trying to seem past the vast expanse of darkness before them. The door creaked slightly under pressure, but stayed hinged to the frame. He coughed as dust and dirt hit his nose and face. How could Emily stand to be in such a place? She always seemed like...the cleaner sort of girl. Not one that would hide out in this part of the city. Then again, she was holding his wife as a hostage. That would give her reason to be out here. His hand slipped into his pocket, caressing the cold, hard pistol resting there. He stepped inside, peeking around the place. It was empty. No one was there. The man at the station had given him a false tip. Stephen blew out an irritated breath. What now?

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