Chapter 11// Anything could go wrong/ NEWS

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Maddie's POV
I walked out of my cabin with Jacob still trying to convince me into staying inside my cabin where there no drama. But his sweet little innocent voice won't do anything. I walked up to the crowded circle, no one saw me, I blended in. "Yeah I'm gonna kick her ass for being a hoe today" she says with confidence. "Can you actually beat her ass?" Yelled Jacob. "Of course I can! She's ugly and she looked weak, too bad she's not here right now I would beat her up right this moment" she pouted I pushed everyone out of the way and walked up to her, she looked scared. "I'm here, come on beat me up at this very moment" I say. She looked terrified. "I need to change first" she says making excuses. "Sure you do, you're wearing appropriate fighting clothes" I say. "I need gloves!" She says nervously. "Yeah I figured" I say taking mines off. I threw them at her. "My fists are all I need" I say cracking my nuckles. She slowly put them on. "I can't fight with my hair in the way" she says, I threw a hair band at her. "OW!" She says. "Yeah you're gonna beat me ass when you can barley handle a tiny little sting" I say. She tied up her hair, she looked angry. She swung her fists, I caught her and threw her to the ground. She looked angry but she also looked like she wanted to cry. She pulled my hair put it didn't hurt, I've experienced worse. I slammed her down and I punched her several times, she was at the point of blacking out so I got off her. "Of course I can! She's ugly and weak!" I mocked. She looked at me and she started to cry. I literally didn't have a scratch on me while Melanie looked like she mauled a bear. I walked to my cabin and changed, I was exhausted. "Um I guess you're too tired for our date" says Jacob, I looked at him. "What am I wearing" I asked him. "Nice clothes" he answered
Jacobs POV
"So then that means the dates still on" she says applying some mascara. She fixed her hair and grabbed her phone. "Okay" she says. I smiled. I walked with her into the woods, (sounds creepy ikr) and I went to the canoeing station. We got on the canoe and I started paddling to the middle of the lake. "Look" I say pointing up, you saw all the constellations, the beautiful stars, and best of all, the moon. She looked up, she admired it all, the stars sparkled off her eyes, she looked at me. "What" I smiled. "Aren't you admiring the view it's beautiful!" She says in excitement. "I've been here every week, I'm already admiring the view" I say looking at her, she smiled. I started to paddle back and I purposely wet her. "Hey!" She laughed, she wet me back, and I kept in splashing her and she got tired of it so she pushed me into the lake. She was laughing, "I DONT THINK SOOO" I laughed. I pushed over the canoe and now she was swimming around with me, "damn it Sartorius these were my favorite shoes!" She laughed. I shrugged and swam around. She swam back to shore and she was shivering. "Come on" I say. We walked back to the cabins and I lead her inside if hers. I walked outside and I walked into my cabin, showered, and changed into something warm. I went back outside and I saw Bryce. "Heyy" I say awkwardly. "You're not gonna get her" he says. I slowly backed off. "Chill" I say. "She's still mine!" He says getting angry. "Look I'm certain she can beat you up, you don't want her, you just want to break up with her" I say, I ran off and I hid behind Maddison's cabin, I heard her and Octavia talking. "Oh my gosh Maddie!" Squealed Octavia. "How long have you been liking Jacob!" She squealed. "Since the first day I met him" she says softly, I could tell she was blushing. "OH MY GOSHHHH" she squealed. "Would you say yes if he asked you out?!" She squealed. "Yeah I guess" laughed Maddison. "But I just don't make it look obvious, I really like him, it's just, he can't know, I just make it look like I'm not into him now because Tylers around this camp and he runs messy Monday, do you know what Taylor can do to me?" She says. "So if he asked you out you would be low key dating?" Asked Octavia, "yeah" she laughed. I sighed, I knew she liked me. But anything can go wrong, Bryce, Tyler, Taylor, Melanie, the hoes, everything. She's leaving in three weeks! "fuck!" I say. "Did you hear that?!" Says Maddison, I quickly shut my mouth regretting those words. I ran to my cabin and Maddison caught me. "WHERE YOU EAVESDROPPING?!" She shrieked, "no" I smiled nervously. "Oh my gosh I didn't want you to know that I liked you I just wanted to stay out of drama an-" I kissed her. She was speaking to quickly. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked, She smiled and nodded. "Well well! I'm happy you found a new boyfriend! And I'm also happy you're gonna have trouble finding your boyfriend!" Yelled Bryce, he grabbed me and dragged me to the woods. Maddie tried to help, but 3 guys were holding her back, pretty soon, Bryce knocked me out.
Authors note: AHH IM SO EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE MY NEWS!! 🤗🤗👏👏👏 SO I AM NO LONGER GOING TO BE "CrazyLemonshehe" BECAUSE GUESS WHO ELSE IS JOING WATTPAD WITH ME AND WRITING HER OWN STORY?! GUESS?! EMILY!!!! THE NEW ACCOUNT NAME FOR OUR ACCOUNT IS "Brooke&Emily(:" AND SHES STARTING HER OWN BOOK CALLED "Were you always such a bad boy? - J.S" I LOVED HER IDEA SO MUCH IM HAPPY YAHHH!!! Anyways!!! Comment and vote on what you think is gonna happen to Maddison and Jacob!!! ~Brooke💖💖💖💖

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