Chapter 12// Bryces little world

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Jacobs POV
I woke up in a familiar place, it was that tiny shed no one ever goes to. Bryce and Tyler were in here "just tell him to forget about Maddison don't hurt him anymore just look at him!" Says Tyler. "Fine, but he better! Stay away from Maddison or I swear to god! He's dead" he says, I pretended to be knocked out cold again and they dragged me back to camp where I saw Maddison crying. She cares. They took me to our cabin and laid me in bed. I knocked out again. I woke up in the morning and I looked like if nothing had happened, I went outside and Maddison was laughing with Bryce and hugging him, he looked at me and smirked. What????! "I love you" says Bryce to Maddison he kissed her and she says and did the same. Whatttttttttt???!!! "Maddison, we need to talk" says Bryce. "What's up" she says."I'm breaking up with you" he smirked. Maddison cried. That was a huge success!" Laughed Bryce to Tyler. I walked over to Maddison. "Maddie are you okay?" I say, "who are you" she says wiping her tears, I realized they were fake tears. "Are you serious?" I say in a soft voice, "who are you?" She asked again. As soon as Bryce went inside our cabin she looked around and she dragged me to the middle of the woods again. Jesus. "I'm sorry I can't do anything anymore Jacob" she cried on my shoulder, "what?" I say. "Bryce said he would kill you if I didn't get back together with you and pretend I don't know who you are, I don't want you dead" she cried.
Maddison's POV
Jacob means so much to me now, I gained so many feelings for him it sucks. I didn't want to but he's just so... Uhh.... I can't explain. "It's okay" he says hugging me. "Jacob we need to leave this camp now" I say. He looked at me. "Escape?" He asked. "Yeah, like go home" I say. "What part of Virginia do you live in?" I asked "Herndon" he says. "Me too" I say, "Taylor can pick us up if we escape, but right now, we're in Bryces little world, we're both not safe" I say. He agreed. I heard footsteps approaching. "Come on!" He says, we ran back to camp and he hid in my cabin, we explained everything to Octavia and how we were gonna escape, and she was in. "Jacob do you snore?" Asked Octavia. "No why" he says. "Because if Bryce is willing to hurt you, you can stay at our cabin" says Octavia. He smiled and nodded. "Bryce is a huge pyscho" I say under my breath. I went outside and I saw Bryce, he was flirting with Melanie even though I beat the shit out of her, she had an arm cast, I didn't know I hurt her that badly. I casually walked to the mess hall and got some brownies and went back to my cabin, Octavia was healing Jacob and he was lying on a carpet on the floor "just lie on my bed" I say, he got up and laid down on my bed, pretty soon he was healed. It was silent. Octavia was using the Internet, I was reading and Jacob was asleep
Octavia's POV
It was peaceful, until we heard loud knocks on the door. "Maddison open up! Where's Jacob!" Yelled Bryce. Maddie and I looked at each other, she covered Jacob with a blanket and I laid next to him on her bed, she slowly opened the door. "I don't know, I saw him run into the woods now leave Octavia and us alone, we're trying to read" she says. Bryce just walked in here and searched everywhere, even my bed for Jacob, he's an idiot, he didn't look at Maddison's bed. "Bryce can we make a deal?" Sighed Maddison. Bryce looked at her. "If you let me be happy, with the person I really like, I'll tell Taylor to bring your fame back, just please, let me be peaceful, I don't wanna be in your little world and pretend I don't know who someone is" sighed Maddison. "Fine" says Bryce "I'll leave him alone, I'll set you free, I just want my fame" says Bryce, she nodded and Bryce left. Maddison looked at me and smiled. We did a little dance, she's free, everyone here is, we were trapped inside Bryces little world
Bryces POV
She really thought I was gonna leave Jacob alone, I only want my fame, she doesn't know what Jacob did to me! Now he's gonna pay I'm done being behind his shadow! Soon enough everyone he's going to be painted red for my little crime...
Authors note: Oooh..... Bryce, you're truly s pyscho path my friend! What do you think happens? Comment! Emily made a book and it would mean so much if you go read it! It's called "We're you always a bad boy?" Please read it to make her feel welcome 🤗 comment and vote for the next chapter! ~Brooke💖

Summer Camp with a Fuck boy-J.S (Jacob Sartorius and Mark Thomas Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now