Tirion Upon Túna

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"Come, you must be hungry," smiled Celebrían, taking Míril's hand in hers like a proper mother. "All of you!"

Elladan snorted and nodded. "Quite."

"We know where to take them," Galadriel smiled at her daughter. "My kin."

"Or we could take them to see my kin," Celeborn added. "Alqualondë would be truly magnificent as a first meal."

"I fear I am not welcome there," Maglor sighed. "Yet do not let this stop you."

Galadriel sighed. "Have you not been back since…"

"Nay, not even since my reembodiement." Maglor frowned. "I do not think Lord Olwë would welcome a son of Fëanor."

Míril frowned and looked long at Maglor before sighing. "I will go only where my kindred is welcome. If Lord Olwë wishes no child of Fëanor to set foot in Alqualondë, I will respect that. For I also am a child of that bloodline."

"Let us start with my father," Galadriel smiled softly. "Then perhaps Lord Olwë will be more forgiving."

Celeborn agreed and together, he and Galadriel led the party, Mithrandir included, back down the streets of Tol Eressëa. With Eldir's hand in one, and Elrohir's hand in the other, Míril walked confidently. Yet still her mind was entranced by the music and beauty of the city of the elves. She saw no harpists, no flutists, no musicians of any kind, yet still there was certainly a clear music in the air. It was like falling droplets of water and silver mixed as one.

She began to think of how her children would've enjoyed being here. She wished that Aderthon, Círeth, and Fëalas, even Tinneth, she wished they could see and experience the beauty of the Blessed Realm with her. But alas, it was their fate to remain in Middle Earth awhile longer and delay their choice.

She missed them dearly. With each glance at the stars far above them, she wondered what they were doing, what they were looking at right then. Were they enjoying one another's company? Were they alright?

"Peace, melda," whispered Elrohir into her ear. "I miss them as well, but they will be fine."

She sadly smiled and nodded. They would be. Aragorn promised to look after them, after all. He wouldn't let her down.

They reached a dock on the other side of the island. Similar in shape and decor to the dock where they arrived, Míril was led onto a swan ship. Galadriel instructed an elf to take them across the water.

Míril watched as the boat approached a wall of mountains. To her right was one so tall, the top was hidden from her. Taniquetil, she realized in awe. That was where Manwë and Varda resided, the high king and queen of the Valar!

The boat veered left around a jutting rock and then she saw it. Valinor. The fullness of the Blessed Realm. Beside her, Elrohir and Elladan were equally as awestruck. This was the land of their dreams, the land of their prayers and hymns. A land oft sung of but never seen by the living unless they sailed West.

As the boat drew alongside a small dock, the newcomers to the Undying Lands and to Valinor remained speechless at the great white city, Tirion upon Túna. The great steps leading into the city were long and steep, yet it posed no hindrance to the company. Galadriel and Celeborn led the way, followed by Elrond and Celebrían, Glorfindel, Gandalf and Eldir, Elladan and Elrohir, and Míril, and at last Maglor. He trailed behind. As of yet, Maglor had not set foot again in his ancient home, Tirion. Finarfin had invited him in his mercy, but Maglor had felt it wrong. Yet here he was, climbing the ancient steps of Tirion upon Túna in the starlight. He was home.

Several elves of dark hair were out and about in the city. They whispered in amazement and wonder as Galadriel passed, and some of the older ones looked curiously upon Maglor, as if wondering his identity. The three companions new to Valinor were paid little attention to; they were merely extras, the others were great Lords and ladies.

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