Power in the Deep

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"We should be getting back to Tol Eressëa," Maglor told his mother. "Elrohir will be concerned for Míril."

Nerdanel stood and nodded, a sad look on her face. "You must visit more often, my son."

Maglor sighed. "I know."

Eldir came into the room with Míril. She looked tired, weary. Maglor bowed to his mother and turned to the other two.

"We must be getting back," he told them. "But we will visit again."

"Good." Míril smiled softly. "I fear I did not have a long enough chat with your mother."

"I agree wholeheartedly," Nerdanel chuckled. "You will be back, Míril Fëanoriel. Do not fret."

With bows to one another, the three companions left the house of Nerdanel and traveled through the beautiful city of Tirion. Míril was still awestruck by the fantastic architecture, the nearly endless beauty that was in this place.

As they walked through Tirion, Míril wondered how her children were doing. Aderthon was surely taking care of his sisters, as he always did. She knew it was selfish, but she hoped someday her children would choose the path she and their father chose: immortality. She wanted desperately to see them again sometime prior to the end of the world.

"Aderthon would've loved it here." Míril smiled with deep melancholy as she looked around. "Though I think Fëalas and Círeth would've preferred somewhere with more trees."

Maglor smiled ever so slightly. "I hope someday to meet your children. Since I was re-embodied about ten years ago, I have kept tabs on them."

"How?" Míril looked up at him in surprise.

"The same way I kept up with you're goings on all these years," Eldir smiled. "News from the Eagles, or a visit to see Lady Vairë's tapestries, and occasionally even a glimpse from the Eye of Ilmarin itself!"

"I am glad to hear of these things," Míril eagerly nodded. "It gladdens my heart to know someone was watching over us."

Maglor smirked and shook his head. As they neared the beach and traveled down the hundred ivory steps, he turned to her to speak.

"Those of us who have cared to keep up with happenings in Middle Earth were always watching, and so were the Valar." He gestured for her to board the boat that would bear them to Tol Eressëa. "Middle Earth is not alone, though we exist on different sides of existence, different times."

Eldir nodded, his brown hair bouncing about his eyes. He took his sister's hand and together, followed by Maglor, they went forward. Maglor spoke to the boatman while the siblings looked upon the starlit beach they were leaving.

"If this beach at Tirion is so beautiful, I cannot fathom the beauty that must be Alqualondë's jeweled sands." Míril turned from the shore and towards the ever-nearing island.

Eldir nodded and smiled, but Maglor's face grew stiff as old memories that never left him returned. He may have been pardoned by the Valar, and by… Him… but Maglor had not forgiven himself for that first kinslayer, nor any after. His mind was ever clouded by guilt.

As the boat moved through the water, Míril looked down into the deeps. It was like a mirror, reflecting the sky above. She reached down and touched it with her finger. A tingling sensation ripped through her.

"What?" Eldir asked at her strange a startled expression.

"The water has such power here." She looked down into it again. "It's like nothing I've felt before."

"That is because you can sense Ulmo's domain, no doubt," suggested Maglor. "After all, you spoke to him many times."

Míril nodded. "I should like to visit, you know. Someday."

"Someday," Maglor agreed with a small nod. "I am sure that can be arranged."

The boat soon docked at the havens of Avallónë. Maglor helped Eldir and Míril up out of the craft and onto the side. Eldir bid goodnight to them, for he had an errand to run before returning to his house. Before he left though, Maglor pulled him aside.

"When will you introduce them?" Maglor asked Eldir.

"Ruivë wants to meet her as soon as possible, you know that." Eldir whispered back quietly. "But I think it best to let her sleep a night."

At that they parted. Míril had been distracted by a beautiful fountain covered in fragrant periwinkle-colored flowers. They seemed a cross between the soothing scent of pressed lavender and the poignant smell of freshly squeezed lemons. She was mesmerized.

"Come, Míril. I need to get you home. Likely your husband is still awake waiting for you," Maglor said, pushing her forward and snapping her from her stupor. "And unlike we elves, you half elves must sleep. Come!"

Míril yawned in response and followed her guide through the white and grey streets. Hanging plants lined the way from overhangs and lampposts of blue fire lit the walk. When they came at last to Míril's new house, neither one was surprised to find Elrohir wide awake. He sat in the common living room alongside Elrond, Celebrían, and his brother Elladan. They talked quietly, the fire brightly lighting the room with a warm glow that welcomed conversation.

"At last she returns!" Elladan laughed when they walked into the room. "And her guardian close behind."

"He's not my guardian," Míril glared, folding her arms tight across her chest. Maglor nodded silently in agreement.

Elrohir smiled and laughed, getting up and planting a kiss on her lips lightly. "Come, melda, let us retire to bed and be rid of these vagabonds."

Míril laughed and nodded. "Agreed!"

Celebrían rolled her eyes and laughed, pulling her husband out the door. Maglor and Elladan left chuckling. Elladan, living next door, quickly bid farewell to the son of Fëanor. The sun was soon to rise, but a few hours off. Eärendil's Star was already gone from the sky and Tilion, guardian of Telperion's blossom in the moon, had disappeared from sight as well. The world was quiet, but for a soft tinkling of music just out of earshot.

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