On the Road Again

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"My Lady, do you ever weep for Morgoth?" Míril asked an hour later, as she and Nienna sat upon two chairs in the large entry room.

Nienna sighed. "Indeed, child. For I knew him before his fall. He was not created evil. He was created good, but chose evil."

"Much would have been different had he chosen good," Míril sighed to herself as she watched the waters of the Sea of Ekkaia.

"Yes." Nienna nodded. "All that was marred would still be fair."

Míril thought about the fading of the the Elves, about the deaths of her father and brother. She thought of the orcs, once proud Avari, twisted into a sick and hateful race. She thought of the dead trees of Valmar.

She turned back to Nienna, looking deep into her blue-grey eyes. "How do you not hate him for it?"

"I have let go." Nienna held out her hand. "I let go as I have taught you, and will continue to teach you. But come, Olórin approaches. For it is time I speak to your husband and his brother."

Míril stood and bowed to her. She watched as Elladan and Elrohir walked slowly into the room. Olórin gestured for her to follow. She did so.

Elrohir wandered to the window and looked out at the Sea of Ekkaia. He could just make out the Walls of the World far away, across miles of sea. He hoped to someday take a boat and see the Walls.

"Beautiful," Nienna nodded, walking over to him and his brother. "Eru had us place the Walls there through Ulmo and Aulë."

"It's as if the world cries, creating the Sea," Elladan murmured quietly.

Nienna said nothing, but a tiny smile played on her lips. The irony of his statement did not escape her. After all, she was the one known for her tears. Her bare feet made no noise on the stone floor as she walked over to her chairs.

"You two are known for your hatred of Morgoth's spawn, even here in Valinor." She began to address them. "While I do not deny this was useful in Middle Earth, here in Aman it may serve you well to rid yourselves of that burden."

Elrohir nodded, looking from the sea to the Vala. "I think… perhaps I am ready, my Lady. The latter part of my life was spent in anger, hating all that Sauron created. I do not wish to live with that any longer."

Nienna reached out her hand and he drew close to her. As soon as he touched her palm, he felt a great weight lift from his mind. In its place, a golden warmth formed. He closed his eyes as it wrapped itself around him. He felt even more alive than he ever had before. He felt the happiness that had departed him when Celebrían was assaulted. He knew once more the joys like unto childhood.

"Elladan?" Nienna looked at the other twin fondly as Elrohir caught his breath. "I sense in you great turmoil."

"I do indeed wish to be relieved of my hatred." He sighed. "But I do not wish to give up the hunt. I wish to learn from Lord Oromë."

"There is more to the Hunt than anger," Nienna assured him. "Learn from Oromë. Come to me whenever you feel your hatred of the enemy wearing down on you."

Elladan nodded and bowed. "Truly your wisdom knows no bounds. I will gladly return to learn from you."

The brothers sat there and learned much for about an hour. Nienna taught them of a time before Arda Marred, a time when things were good. Meanwhile, Míril was outside with Olórin. They sat on a bench watching the Sea of Ekkaia stretch out before them. The sun was beginning to rise behind them, casting great shadows before them.

"Mithrandir," Míril began, "Lady Melian spoke to me of the possibility of meeting the Heroes of Old. She said Vairë and Nienna could get me inside the Halls."

Olórin let a smile play on his lips. "Did she now? She would know."

"What do you mean?" Míril looked at him in surprise.

"Well, she goes to visit her husband on Tuesdays." Olórin explained carefully. "Everyone knows, but no one talks about it."

Míril shrugged. "So there's a chance."

"If the Ladies Nienna and Vairë agree, Lord Námo will do nothing." Olórin stood. "But come. The sun is rising. It is time you three set off."

As he walked away, Míril bounded up to him. "Set off? Set off to where?!"

"To Mandos of course." He rolled his eyes. "My you are slow. It's a wonder you ever got the Silmaril."

Míril glared and stopped walking. But when Olórin didn't stop, she ran to catch up. Inside they found Elladan and Elrohir thanking Nienna for her help. Míril did the same.

"Return whenever you need counsel," Nienna said to them, her translucent hair bright silver-gold in the sunlight. "You have my blessing to enter the Halls."

As they bid farewell, Olórin walked them out. "This road will take you straight to the Halls. You should reach there by midday. Tell the doorwarden who you are and they should let you in to meet Lady Vairë."

"When will we see you again, Mithrandir?" Míril asked sadly.

"Get going. We will see each other again." Olórin smirked. "Whenever it is time."

They heaved themselves up onto their great horses of Oromë. The steeds were like unto the Mearas of Rohan. Both swift and strong, fleet of foot and fierce. They took off down the road. Mandos was their destination.

All stories Míril had heard of Mandos were filled with mystery, like unto the Vala himself. The only thing she knew for certain was that the great tapestries seen around the other Valar's abodes were all woven by Vairë and her Handmaidens in the Halls. Oh, and that Mandos was busy on Tuesdays.

As the day wore on, and the road continued, they found themselves looking at a small gatehouse. Speeding to a halt, Míril realized it was bigger than a simple gatehouse, for behind it stretched a large building.

The Halls of Mandos! She almost said it aloud, but was too tired to do so after staying up all night and riding half the day.

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