Scarlet Hair

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The throne room had been transformed into a great feasting hall. Great tables were set with cloths and place settings. Most of the regular Noldor had left the room, leaving maybe thirty or forty noblemen. Finrod went to join his wife. Fingon, with no maiden bound to his heart, merely waltzed with Maglor to a seat at the table. He had ever been a friend of the Fëanorians. Míril sat between Eldir and Elrohir near the head of the table. Across from them were Fingon and Maglor, and Elrond and Celebrían. Elladan sat beside Elrohir. At the head of the table were two place settings. Finarfin stepped up to one, and then a woman who Míril had not yet seen wandered to the other.

She was more beautiful than most she had ever seen. The woman's hair gleamed of star-like silver, glimmering in the lamps in the hall. She stepped lightly, making no noise. Her garments, white like snow. Her eyes were full of kindness and gentleness, hardening only a little when her gaze fell upon Maglor. The elf in question lowered his eyes in shame at her glance.

"Greetings," she said at last as she took her husband's hand in hers. "I apologize for not being here earlier. I was visiting my father in Alqualondë."

Together they sat, signaling it time for the others to follow suit. Immediately Míril knew who this mysterious woman was. She was the Lady Eärwen, princess of the Teleri and Swan Maiden of Alqualondë. She was the mother of Galadriel and daughter of Lord Olwë, High King of the Teleri.

Her husband Finarfin made introductions as the food came. Eärwen smiled warmly at each of them, until she came to Maglor. Yet even then, her gaze was not malicious. It was merely full of sorrow.

"Welcome home, Maglor," she said cooly. "Long has it been since a Fëanorian set foot in Tirion."

"I am very grateful to be allowed back, my lady," he nodded softly. "And grateful that you allow my kin, Míril, here as well."

"Her deeds are known to us," Eärwen agreed as she took a bite of pheasant. "As are yours."

Míril was stunned silent, and so were her two companions. At last she spoke up.

"My lady, how do you know of my deeds? Why should any in Valinor care?" Míril looked in confusion upon Lady Eärwen.

The woman smiled. "Dear child, any news of Middle Earth is welcome here, mostly among the Noldor, both the Exiles and the Loyal. Especially news involving the Silmarils."

Míril nodded. "What was done with the Silmaril when it was returned?"

Finarfin answered her. "It has been displayed where the Two Trees once stood, on Ezellohar. There it shines ever, bringing some small joy back into that place."

"I should like to explore Valinor," Míril smiled, speaking now to her husband.

Elrohir nodded immediately. "I should love that!"

Fingon overheard them and added his opinion. "Valinor is wondrous place. Truly you should explore it!"

"The Valar should like to meet you, I think," Finarfin smiled. "All three of you. The bearers of the Silmaril."

"Could we?" Elladan asked in surprise. "Is that done?"

"Indeed!" Finrod laughed. "They are curious about you."

"Is…" Míril paused. "Is there a way to meet Lord Ulmo?"

Eärwen paused before she nodded. "He sometimes comes ashore north of Alqualondë along the beach. But rarely."

"I should like to meet him," Míril decided aloud.

Eärwen smiled. "I will see what I can do. My father might take some convincing to allow you to come to Alqualondë, but I am sure I can convince him."

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