What?! I Go To School With Supernatural Freaks?! [Chapter 1]

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What?! I Go To School With Supernatural Freaks?!

Chapter 1

It all started on a normal day of school.

My friends and I were hanging out in the middle of the hallway, when the first bell rang. Awesome. Time to go to my least favorite class. English.

My best friend, Macy, and I took our seats at the back of the room. Macy was pretty. Curly brown hair, clear blue eyes, and the bubbly personality that made her my best friend.

/ugh, do you no wats going on?/ Macy threw a piece of paper at me.

/nope, im just as lost as you are.../ I wrote on the paper and threw it back at her.

"Macy and Amanda, I know how much you love my class, but please stop passing notes."

"Sorry." Macy and I mumbled.

The rest of the period dragged on and once the bell rang, both of us ran out the room.

My next class was study hall. None of my friends had study hall with me unfortunately and I had to walk alone. Normally I would not mind walking by myself, but my study hall class room was in one of the old class rooms.

My school had originaly been built in the late 70s, but they had recently done construction on it about 10 years ago. They ended up just adding a on to the original building.

The original building was only used for the occasional class if there were too many. The reason was, that there was the worst lighting down here ever.

Normaly most of the light comes from the sunlight, but today was a rainy day, so right now, you could barely see anything.

Once I finally reached the classroom, I walked inside. It was just as dim in here as it was in the hallway. Great.

I made my way to the back corner, my assigned seat. Unfortunately it was also the darkest part of the classroom.

Next to me was some kid; I think his name was John, "Hi." He said.

I just nodded. It was not like I was trying to be mean, but he was kind of wierd, he just sits there and keeps to himself. Not that that makes him wierd I guess, but there is somethign else. I am not sure what it was, but I can tell that there is something there...

The teacher went through roll call and I took some work out. Just as I was reaching in my bag to get a pen someone grabbed me from behind.

For a second I thought it was a friend of mine or something, just playing a joke. But that thought was proved wrong when I was picked up and pulled out of my seat.

None of my friends would do that.

At the same time that thouse thoughts were going through my head I looked over and saw John's face. It was full of shock and worry. In his eyes I could see my reflection, and I have never seen that much horror on someones face before.

Whoever was holding on to me spoke, "Don't even think about moving or I'll break her head off her shoulders." It took me a second to realize that he must be talking to John, not me.

Everyone heard him speak, and turned around.

I heard a lot of gasps, and then the guy said, "No one move, just slowly get up and move to that corner of the room." He used his free hand to point to the opposite corner.

Everyone moved really slowly. Except the teacher. She ran as fast as her little legs would carry her to the corner.

"You too." He said to John.

Just got up slower then everyone else, which I did not think possible. He never took his eyes off me or the guy holding me as he walked over to the corner, then sat down.

"What's your name?" The guy holding me said.

"A-Amanda." I stuttered out.

"No need to be afraid. I won't hurt you." He ran a finger down my cheek and laughed. "Probably."

All of a sudden I was being pulled away and crashing through a window.


kay, sorry that this chapter is short :/ but i hope you guys enjoy it still (:

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