What?! I Go To School With Supernatural Freaks?! [Chapter 7]

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What?! I Go To School With Supernatural Freaks?!

Chapter 7


I was hoping that it was a bird or a squirrel, but something in the pit of my stomach told me otherwise.


I heard John's voice in the distance again, and all it did was prove that he wasn't the one that made the noise.

I was debating what I should do, when I heard another twig snap. I was beyond scared now, so I screamed, "JOHN!!!!!!!"

All of a sudden I was lying on my back, with a coyote on top of me. He snarled. And I tried to inch away from him, but there was no where for me to go.

"Get off me you ass!" The words came out before I had thought about them. I saw as the coyote opened my mouth. He was going to bite me. I whimpered and waited for the pain.

But it didn't come.

As my eyes were closed and waiting, the wait of the coyote disappeared. I opened my eyes to see a wolf, John, and the coyote on the ground fighting.

I didn't know what to do. I watched them fight, and I moved backwards, so I was out of the way.

I couldn't tell who was winning the fight, it was a close one. They were each getting hits in on each other. They were both turning into bloody messes. I had to do something...

In the distance I could hear someone else calling my name. It sounded like one of the other boys, so I yelled out, "TIM, CALEB, CHRIS!!! GET OVER HERE!"

"Amanda?!" The voice yelled back, I could just hear it over the sounds of John and the coyote fighting.


A few seconds passed and Chris crashed through the trees in his mountain lion form. He took in the sight around him and realized what was going on. All of a sudden he let out a fierce growl that was so loud I had to cover my ears.

Within the next few seconds Caleb and Tim joined us in their animal forms also.

It looked like Chris, Caleb, and Tim were communicating, but I didn't hear them making any noise or anything. Which was really weird, but they needed to do something fast. It now looked like the coyote was winning. Not by much, but he was still winning.

Caleb, Tim, and Chris made their move.

They made a circle around the fight, and Chris made some kind of growl. John was now winning the fight, he was on top of the coyote, but he hopped away. Now there was a circle, and in the middle was the coyote.

Chris changed into his human form. Once I saw him starting to change, I moved my gaze to somewhere else. I'd rather not seem him naked.

No thanks.

"Turn into your human form now. You're surrounded and you have no where to run to." Chris said sounding very cop-like. Under any other circumstance, I might have found this funny.

But the coyote had killed my mom, and had just tried to kill me.

I looked at the coyote, and saw him changing. Once again, I looked else where. This time my gaze fell on John. He was a mess, not that the coyote looked much better, and I felt terrible.

"What is your problem? Going around killing innocent people is not what you're supposed to be doing." Chris spat.

"Well I'm sorry, I grew up differently. I didn't have people to explain what was happening to me. Do you know what that must feel like? Of course not! You have all these people here along with your parents." The menacing voice, that I remember hearing from that day in school spoke.

I couldn't take this anymore, I jumped up, "So? What did I do to you?! What did my mom do to you?! You're just a selfish bastard that needs to go die in a fucking whole." I yelled at him. Now normally I try not to swear, except what I'm pissed off. And boy, am I pissed off right now.

I heard a menacing chuckle, "You don't know do you?" He looked around at the others, "None of you know. This is hilarious. None of you know what you have here."

"What are you talking about?" John had now changed back into his human form. He looked awful, but he still looked like he wanted to kill the coyote guy.

"She's as much apart of this as any of this. As you, me, all of you."

"I asked you what the fuck you were talking about. More specific." John spat.

"Well you guys have yourself a witch here." Coyote guy had an evil smile on his face.


I know, im sorry, this is probably only going to be like a page on wattpad, but I really wanted to upload this story for you guys and I gotta go do easter things :/

That and I don't really know whats going to happen next lol

So comment/vote/fan (:

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