What?! I Go to School With Supernatural Freaks?! [Chapter 14]

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What?! I Go to School With Supernatural Freaks?!

[Chapter 14]

Things had been iffy since the accident with my dad, and my mom to be truthful. Today was Monday, and dad was feeling more up to it, so he said John could come over for dinner.

As excited as I was about that, that didn't make school any better. My old friends were still shunning me, which meant almost the whole school. Excluding John and his friends, of course.

His friends liked me, but I could feel them giving me weird looks now and then. Like they weren't too thrilled to be around me. I didn't get it, but none of them were outwardly mean to me, so I didn't say anything.

Finally the last bell rang and I ran out of the classroom, to my car as fast as I could without getting in trouble.

Dad said he would make his special tacos. He still was a little tired from the heart attack, so I told him I would run to the store and get what he needed.

He accepted, but made me promise that I wouldn't look at the shopping list until I was at the store, and then I would not tell anyone his secret ingredients to his special tacos.

It was just a little weird, but I agreed.

I grabbed a grocery cart and pulled out the shopping list. The first things on the list were basic. Mexican cheese, olives, tomatoes, a head of lettuce, and hamburg. I quickly went up and down the isles grabbing the things when I saw them.

As my eyes moved down the list I was shocked by the last thing I saw.

Old El Paso Taco pack... This was his secret? Wow dad. Wow.

I grabbed the box and made my way to the check out, where I paid for the items, with the money my dad gave me to pay for it all, and put the bags in the cart.

Soon enough I was home and bringing the groceries into the house.

Dad jumped, kind of, up from the couch. "Did you get everything?"

"Yeah dad, I got the kit of taco stuff... Way to make me believe you had a special method. Anyone could make this." I sighed trying to look disappointed in my dad.

He just laughed, "Honey, you never were a good actress. What time is your, uh, friend getting here?"

"John should be here any minute." I said while looking out the window by the door.

"Alright, I guess I should get this opened up and discard the box." He said with a jokingly evil grin.

I rolled my eyes and was about to make a comment back, when the door bell rang.

I turned around and looked out the window. Sure enough John was standing there. He wasn't in the same clothes he was in at school. "Damn." I muttered under my breath, I should have changed.

"Dad, can you get that?" I asked well running up the stairs.

"Sure?" He said, apparently confused.

Once I was in my room, I shut the door and ran to my closet. I couldn't decide if I should dress up or not, so I thought about what John was wearing.

Jeans and a t-shirt. I guess I shouldn't dress up.

I found a pair of skinny jeans and a band tee. Vanna of course! I stripped off the clothes I wore to school, and threw on the new set.

Hoping that my dad wasn't killing John, I quickly ran down the stairs and into the living room.

Surprisingly both of them were sitting there civilly, talking. But as soon as they saw me they shut up.

I gave the two of them a weird look, "You weren't talking about me were you?"

"Of course not." My dad said with a smile. "I should go make dinner. It should be done in a little bit." He said as he stood up from his seat on the couch.

"Do you want help?" I asked concerned. This was the first time since he had been home from the hospital that he had made dinner. I didn't want him to push it. The doctor had said to take it easy and have a lot of rest.

"I'm done a baby, honey. Just entertain your guest."

"Fine, just say something if you need help though."

He just nodded in response before leaving totally.

I sat down on the couch next to John. "So, he didn't say anything embarrassing, did he?"

"Depends on your version of embarrassing..." He laughed kind of nervously. "I mean, he's a cool guy, he just cares about you."

"What did he say?" I cringed.

"Just if I hurt you, I'd have hell to pay. He knows I like you and you like me. He decided that we can date..." He looked at me, "If you want to that is... but he said that I'd have hell to pay if I hurt you."

"Wait, what? He can't threaten you. That's not right." I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest.

John started to laugh, but covered it up with a cough. Or tried to. "It's kind of what dads do. You can't say he can't do that. Plus you're so caught up in that, you didn't even realize what I was asking in the middle of that."

"What?" I asked confused.

"I asked if you wanted to go out. Be my girlfriend. Be exclusive. Go on a date Friday." John said.

"Oh, sorry." I laughed nervously. "Yeah, I'd love to." I said with a smile.

John replied with a smile. It looked like he was about to say something else, but my dad's voice cut it from the kitchen. "Dinner is served!"

I laughed and stood up.

When John and I made our way into the kitchen, the table was set, drinking were poured, and all the taco stuff was in the middle of the table.

"Wow dad, we weren't in there that long." I gave him a weird look.

"Yeah, I had most of it set up before you came home. Sitting home is a lot more boring then you would think." He smiled sheepishly.

I laughed again, "The point of sitting home was too actually sit."

Dad stuck his tongue out before he said, "Well, let's sit down and eat."

The three of us sat down, with me in the middle. John and my dad were on the two ends.

I was about to take a bite of my taco, when all of a sudden John dropped his. "Wait, be quiet." It looked like he was listening to something intently, just then I remembered he had super hearing.

Wow, with everything going on, I forgot about everything supernatural. Including the coyote.

"What's going on?" My dad asked confused.

"Shhh." John shushed my dad. "Something's not right. It's to quiet outside. And there's a rotten smell coming from somewhere."

I had this bad feeling in my gut, that this would not be good.

"Shit!" John cursed. "Upstairs!" When we didn't move quick enough he added, "Now!" He grabbed my hand, and I grabbed my dad's.

We were a train running up the stairs and into the attic. The minute we got there I heard a crash from downstairs.


Muahahahahahaha, I know, im mean to stop there :P

This better be a long chapter *glares at wattpad* lol

Also, I think there will only be one more chapter and an epilogue.

So yeah(:

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