What?! I Go To School WIth Supernatural Freaks?! [Chapter 9]

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What?! I Go To School With Supernatural Freaks?!

Chapter 9


This is an intense chapter o.o I think you guys'll like it (:

Enjoy :D


"What do you mean?" my dad asked carefully.

"Like... magical powers, travel through time... Say from early America..." I tried. I really hope that coyote guy didn't make this up... Otherwise I'm screwed...

Dad buried his face in his hands and inhaled a deep breath before looking back up, "Um... Can your friend leave? I think we need to talk..."

"But he knows. It's fine." I replied.

"But I can leave if you want me to." John imputed.

My dad sighed, "No, if Amanda thinks it's fine, then it is." He seemed to stair of into space for a few minutes before he continued. "You kids have to understand, that there is much more in the word then you think. Beyond your wildest imaginations..."

"You're telling me." I mumbled thinking about John and his friends.

"How much do you guys know?" Dad looked at me with an interesting expression.

"Uh...about the...shape shifters?" I wasn't really sure what John and his friends called themselves, so it came out like a question.

"What?! How?! They didn't hurt you did they?!" Dad started freaking out.

I felt John tense next to me, and I was sure that he was trying extremely hard to not say anything to my dad, "Dad! They're not bad people."

Dad let out a cruel chuckle, "They're not even people Amanda. They killed your mother."

"We are NOTHING like the bastard that killed your wife!" John jumped up from his spot on the couch and I flinched away from his sudden outburst. "We are people, it's not like we have different hearts or feelings or ANTYHING." Just then I realized that John had said 'we'.

My dad must have caught on too because he said, "What do you mean 'we'? You're one of them?" He eyed John with a disgusted look.

"DAD! Stop it! John and his friends are NOTHING like the coyote guy that killed mom." I felt tears start to pool up in my eyes, "John saved me twice, TWICE, from the coyote guy. How could you even THINK that him and his friends are bad?" I wasn't going to let my dad say things like that to John. He is one of the most caring people that I have ever met.

"None of that probably would have happened if you weren't hanging around their kind in the first place!" Dad spat.

I couldn't believe he was acting this way. He was never one to judge people based on what they were on the outside. He always taught me that it was what was on the inside that counted.

"What do you mean /our/ kind?" John and my dad were now standing eye to eye. If this kept going someone was going to end up getting hurt...

"Dad! There is nothing wro-" I started saying, but he cut me off.

"No Amanda, there is everything wrong about them. I'm going to have to ask you to leave John. Amanda go to your room and I don't want you two talking to each other again." Dad started to push John towards the door. But John moved away from him.

"Amanda can talk to whoever she likes, you can't stop her." John's voice was menacing, and if I didn't know him as well as I do, I would have been afraid. And under any other circumstance I would have found the fact that John was standing up to my dad for me cute. But not now.

"Not as long as she is my daughter. Now get out." Dad brought his hands back and did this weird thing. When he pushed them forward I thought that he was going to hit John, but John was too far away for him to reach.

Instead John flew out of the house and onto our front lawn.

"JOHN!" I started running towards him to make sure he wasn't hurt. But my dad grabbed me before I could make it even halfway to the door.

"Stay away from her if you know what's good for you." Dad practically growled before the door slammed shut by a mystical wind. He was still holding onto me as he dragged me up the stairs to my room.

He pushed me onto my bed harshly but softly at the same time. "I'm sorry Amanda, you might not like me right now, but trust me. You'll understand why I did this. It's for you." He said in a softer voice before he shut my bedroom door.

I heard it lock from the other side and buried my head into a pillow. Just then I realized that there were tears streaming down my face.

I can't believe that my dad would do something like that. It's not like him. I....

I don't even know.

I just want to see John.

How could he say that I'm not allowed to see him.

UGGG! I rolled over and picked the alarm clock off my night stand. I looked at the time, 11:20pm, before throwing it with all of my force at the door.

I looked at the pieces of my alarm clock that were now in a pile in front of my door. I let out a frustrated sigh before shoving my face back into the pillow.

I thought about John as I cried myself to sleep.


Intense eh?

Sorry its not all that long, but it just seemed like a good place to stop, ya know?

So yeah, tell me what you think (:

Vote/comment/fan :D

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