What?! I Go to School With Supernatural Freaks?! [Chapter 11]

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What?! I Go to School With Supernatural Freaks?!

[Chapter 11]

Gah D: im soooooooo sorry its been like more than a month since I last uploaded x.x but here it finally is


"Really?" I perked up and could feel a smile tugging at my lips.

"Really." John was now also smiling.

"Well I like you too much too then." I full smile took over my face.

"That's what I was hoping to hear." John said before his lips met mine.


Kissing him felt like there was nothing else in the world. Only him and me. But after what seemed like seconds it dawned on me that I was kissing him in the middle of the school parking lot.

There was a possibility that my dad could drive by at any minute and I'd be in deep trouble.

I pulled back softly, trying to make sure he knew it wasn't because of him. "I think we need to talk..." I said trying to process everything going through my mind.

I obviously wanted to be with John, but what was I going to do about my father?

John nodded understandingly, "Alright. Wanna go to Dunkin' Donuts?"

I smiled, "Yeah!"

The two of us took off down the street towards Dunkin' Donuts. It was only about a three minute walk, and the whole time there neither of us said anything.

It wasn't an awkward silence. It was definitely a comfortable one.

A few minutes later we were at Dunkin' Donuts. John held the door open for me, like a gentleman, and I walked in. Letting the smells engulf me, I took a deep breath.

Man, I love this place.

Now, most people were in love with Starbucks. But not me, I'll stick with Dunkin' Donuts.

After we ordered what we wanted we grabbed a picnic table outside. I had gotten a strawberry coolata and John got a coffee.

We had gotten a weird look from the lady that took our orders, probably because we should have been in school. But whatever.

"So..." I said not sure were to start, as I used my straw to play with the slush in my cup.

"Well...What do you want to do? About us?" He asked and I could feel his gaze on me.

I looked up, "I don't know. Obviously I like you...But I don't know what to do about my dad. Maybe if we just lay low for a week or two, he'll come around."

"I dunno...He seemed pretty pissed about everything."

I knew John was right, but I didn't want to believe it. "You never know."

But I guess I spoke too soon.

Just as I started to take a sip from my coolata, I heard my name. "AMANDA!" Loud and clear.

Crap. I cringed, afraid to look behind me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" The voice paused for a second before continuing with more venom in their voice, "I thought I made it clear, you are to stay away from my daughter."


Im sorry to just stop there, I know its gonna end up bein really short, but I haven't written inforever, as you all know, and I wanna try to upload some other stories.

But I promise you guys wont have to wait nearly as long for the next chapter. Otherwise you have permission to come find me and smack me xP

Anyways, hope you guys like it


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