What?! I Go to School With Supernatural Freaks?! [Chapter 12]

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What?! I Go to School With Supernatural Freaks?!

[Chapter 12]

"Dad! Stop it! What are you even doing here?" I asked franticly. I definitely didn't want him causing a scene.

"Oh, well maybe it's because I got a call from the school saying that my daughter skipped!" He said it a sarcastically loud voice.

"Oh..." I didn't know what else to tell him.

"And what I want to know is what you're doing here, with /that/." My father's voice was filled with venom when he said 'that'.

It took me seconds to make up my mind. I don't care what he thinks. "I'm here because I like him, and you won't let me see him anymore." I got up from my seat and went over to the other side, where John was sitting. Looked my dad straight in the eye, and then kissed John.

He could tell me who he didn't want me to see. But he couldn't force me to stay away from someone I liked.

This was one of those moments you wish you had a camera on you so you could take a picture of your parents' reaction. But I was kind of afraid of what he would do if I whipped out a camera...

His face held a mixture of emotions. From dumbstruck, to pissed.

"Is he okay?" John's whisper interrupted my thoughts while I was watching my father's facial features.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. It didn't look like I was going to be alright after this, but why was he asked about my dad?

"I mean, it looks like he's having a hard time breathing." John replied like it was something I should have noticed.

But I didn't and that was the worst mistake I ever made.

All of a sudden I looked closer, and realized what John was saying, was true.

Dad looked like he was having a hard time breathing, and sweat was forming on his forehead. Sure, today was a nice day, but it wasn't that warm.

"Dad? Are you alright?" I said worriedly, as I carefully walked over to him.

I was barely close enough to hear him gasp, "Call 911." Before he fell to the ground.

"DAD!" I started freaking out as I dropped on my knees next to him. What was wrong? I couldn't loose him too.

Not like mom. Tears were starting to form in my eyes as I grabbed his hand and tried waking him up.

"The ambulance should be here in a few minutes." I heard John's voice speak from near by, but at the same time, it didn't really register.

I could feel warm trails of tears on my face and my dad's hand in my own. But other than that I had no idea what was happening. A bomb could've gone off right next to me and I wouldn't have noticed.

I was faintly aware that there were people gathering around, but I had no idea who they were or if they were really there.

After what seemed like hours I felt as someone tried to take him from me. "No!" I cried, trying my best to stay with him.

"We have to get him to the hospital sweety. Let go of his hand and we'll make sure he gets the help he needs." I heard a ladies voice speak near me.

I felt as I let go of my dad, but it didn't feel like I was the person doing it. It was like an out of body experience.

Everything passed by in a blur for the next half hour. All I really remember is getting in the ambulance, following my dad into the hospital, and being told to wait in the waiting room.

I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be by his side, telling him how sorry I was because, for some reason, it felt like whatever had happened to him was my fault. If it was serious, and falling on the ground out cold usually means it is, I can never forgive myself.

I was faintly aware as new tears started falling down my face. I probably looked like shit, with a snotty nose, and puffy red eyes.

All of a sudden I felt as someone pulled me into their arms.

I was ready to freak out, and do something drastic, but I inhaled their sent and instantly knew who it was.

I could probably tell this sent apart from millions of others miles away.


I felt my chest heave as I sobbed my tears into John's chest.

"Uh, excuse me, are you Mr. Anderson's daughter?" A deep, doctor like voice spoke.

My head shot up, almost hitting John's head with my own, "Yes, that's me."

The guy had on one of those long doctor coats, and was carrying a clip board. I tried to take in his features before he spoke again. He didn't look too sad, like someone had just died or anything. So that's a good sign...

He looked down at his clipboard, "Well, it looks like your father had a minor heart attack. Was he doing anything strenuous before he collapsed?"

"Well... We were kind of having an argument."

"Alright." He wrote something down on his clip board, "Well, your father should be fine, he just needs to stay a night for observation. He's also awake right now, if you want to check in on him."

"Yeah, which room?" I asked.

"205, just down the hall. Second door on the left." The doctor said before walking off in a different direction.

I looked at John. I probably shouldn't bring him to see my dad with me. But I didn't want him to leave...

"I'll just wait here." He said with a small smile, guessing at my confusion.

"Alright." I replied nervously.

I wasn't nervous about John, but about seeing my dad. I mean, I caused him to have a heart attack...

Either way, I still need to see him. I took off, following the doctor's directions, towards my dad's room.

It can't be that bad can it?


Yup, you know the drill :P


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