What?! I Go To School With Supernatural Freaks?! [Chapter 6]

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What?! I Go To School With Supernatural Freaks?!

Chapter 6

I was now sitting on the couch waiting for my dad to come home. When I talked to him on the phone, he said he was on his way.

John was sitting next to me. I didn't want him to go. I was afraid to be alone. I was afraid that that monster might come back for me.

It was my fault that my mom was dead. We didn't always get along, but she was still my mom and I loved her with all of my heart. Now she was dead. Because for whatever reason, he wanted me, but John saved me from him.

It was all my fault.

I felt fresh tears start to slide down my face.

John pulled me into a hug, "Hey, don't worry. We're going to find him." He whispered.

"But it was my fault." I sobbed.

"No it wasn't. It's not you're fault that there's someone as awful as him running around."

"But he wanted me in the first place. And when you saved him, he went after my mom." I managed to choke out.

John pulled me up so I was looking him in the eyes, "Listen to me Amanda. It. Was. Not. You're. Fault. Do you understand?"

"But-" He cut me off.

"No. Stop saying but. He's just trying to get to you. This is how he wants you to react."

I buried my face in his chest and cried my eyes out.

A little later I heard the sound of my dad's truck pulling into the garage. I jumped up off the couch and away from John.

I was running towards the door that connects to the garage, when it opened and I ran into my dad.

His arms circled around me, and he started crying. I was already crying hard, but I somehow started crying harder.

After a few minutes my dad spoke, "Come on, we should get to bed. It's late."

I didn't trust my voice, so I just nodded. When I looked around, John wasn't there anymore. Weird. But he's the type of person that would sneak out to give me and my dad some privacy.

I made my way up to my room, to tired to take a shower or even change, I sunk into my bed.

What stopped me was that I heard a crinkling noise. Like when you take a piece of paper and roll it into a ball. I rolled over, and sure enough there was a piece of paper.

It was a note from John;

/Sorry I didn't stay to say bye or anything. I figured I'd let you and your father have some privacy. Plus I didn't really want him wondering why I was wearing his old clothes... I put them back into the bag though. We'll be taking turns watching your house, and the woods around it, so sleep tight and don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow. Unless you're busy... If you want to see me tomorrow, just call my cell. 123-456-7890


If it was any other day, where the things that had happened today, didn't happen, I would have laughed at his note. It was sweet, and he seemed nervous too.

I moved the covers and slid into my welcoming bed. As I lay, staring at my ceiling, I tried not to think about my day. It was to weird, confusing, and sad.

Instead I tried to think about blackness. Trying to concentrate on falling asleep.

Eventually darkness consumed me. And I welcomed it.

**A few days later**

Nothing new or exciting had happened the past few days. John had come over to make sure I was doing alright emotionally.

Apparently he had lost his father. He had a heart attack when he was changing into a wolf and it had killed him.

I felt awful that that happened to John, but it was nice having someone around that knew how I felt. All of my other friends from school told me how sorry they were. But none of them understood. I didn't want people to say sorry. It was just getting annoying at this point.

We were now all standing in the cemetery, watching them lower my mother's body into the ground.

I hated cemeteries. Not only because it was such a sad place, and who really wants to see their loved one be put in a dark, cold, hole in the ground? But also I hated the fact that when you are walking around in a cemetery, you're walking on top of someone. No matter how far down they are, it still creeps me out.

I was trying to avoid stepping where the people were when my dad spoke. He hadn't really said much this past few days, but that was alright. I knew that he was just as sad, if not more, than I was. "Hey, would you like to speak about her?" I could feel the sadness in his voice.

"Of course." I tried to force a smile. Truth is, I didn't want to talk about her. Everyone here knew her, except for John and his friends of course, but they had came her to support me. So if they knew about her, why did I need to speak?

I would have rather stood in the back, and just thought about all the happy times. But I could hear the want in my father's voice. How could I say no to him?

I made my way up to the little podium that had been set up, trying not to think about the people I was stepping on. When I reached it, I took a look around.

There were a lot of people that knew my mother. She was a wonderful lady, and with her job she knew even more people. She was a lawyer and she loved to help people.

I didn't know what to say, and I'm pretty sure I had the expression in my face because John walked up to me, "Just talk about how wonderful she was." His eyes were full of sympathy as he took his seat again.

I took a deep breath,"We're her to morn my mother. She was a wonderful lady. A wonderful mother, wife, sister, aunt, and friend." I paused, tears were running down my face yet again. I couldn't even tell you how many times I have cried these last few days, it's awful. I just wanted to get this over with, "I could never have asked more a better or more loving mother. I will miss her greatly."

I couldn't do this. I just couldn't sit around and listen to everyone tell their stories about her.

I ran.

I ran away from the funeral. From the sad faces. From the people that I loved.

I didn't stop running until I realized I didn't know where I was anymore. Looking around I realized that I had run into the woods, and there was no path, or any signal telling me which was out.

As I was trying to figure out what to do, I heard a twig snap. My body twisted faster than I would have ever thought possible to the direction the sound came from. "Hello? Is someone there?" I asked quietly.

I was hoping that it was John, or one of the others, but when I heard John yell my name in the distance I knew that it couldn't be him that made the twig snap.

I was hoping that it was a bird or a squirrel, but something in the pit of my stomach told me otherwise.


Lol, im sorry. Im starting to feel bad, I keep ending with all these awful cliffhangers huh?

:/ xD

Oh well

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