What?! I Go To School WIth Supernatural Freaks?! [Chapter 8]

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What?! I Go To School With Supernatural Freaks?!

Chapter 8


"Well you guys have yourself a witch here." Coyote guy had an evil smile on his face.


"Where?!" I started freaking out and looking for someone else that may have been in the clearing.

"A dumb one at that..." I heard coyote guy mumble.

"Wai- What? /ME?!/" I realized that he might have been talking about me.

"No, the girl next to you." I could hear the sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Hold up, you expect us to believe that she's a witch?" Chris interrupted our conversation.

"I don't expect you to believe nothin'. Nor do I care. I was just simply telling you that she's as much apart of this as you and I are."

"If she is a witch, what does she have to do with anything?" John asked.

"She's the reason that your family shunned mine. She's the reason that we all had to go into hiding. It's all /her/ fault." He sneered.

"/She/ has nothing to do with this then, it's her ancestors." John defended as he walked over to me. He was now standing in a protective stance in front of me.

"No. It's not. It's all her fault." Coyote guy's voice turned 'matter of factly'.

"How?" Chris asked skeptically.

"Awww, why don't we all sit around a fire and tell stories?" Coyote guy said in a sarcastically sweet voice.

"Just spit it out." John spat.

"Alright, alright, no need to get your panties in a twist." Coyote guy snickered as he tucked his feet under him and sat on the dirt covered ground. "Amanda, what do you remember from your childhood?" He asked in all seriousness. This is the first time I actually have heard him talk seriously, without the sarcasm, scariness, or anything else. Just seriousness.

I gave him a weird look, "I remember it like any other child's childhood. Making friends, playing with Barbie's, and etcetera."

"Those are called false memories. You're parents gave them to you. None of that stuff really happened to you."

"What are you talking about? They did happen. I think I would know." I said.

"No, this is what really happened." Coyote guy looked around and then started speaking again, "Alright, so we know how your story said that my family betrayed your families and exposed us. Blah, blah, blah. But we didn't. We /wouldn't/. What happened was there was this family; a man, his wife, and their daughter. They were witches, and someone found out, so they were now being tied to the stake to be burned alive. But no, earlier in the week their daughter had come across my family and she now knew our secret. So what did the little girl do? She knew that her and her family were about to be burned, so she told the townspeople about my family. She convinced the townspeople that her family wasn't witches, but instead that my family was."

"So what does this have to do with Amanda?" Chris asked.

"Shut up and I'll get to it." Coyote guy glared at Chris, "Anyways, the girl's family was worried that the townspeople might come back for them and kill them. So while the townspeople were searching for my ancestors, the girl's parents went to their coven. All of the witches in the coven pooled their magic together and sent the girl and her family to another time. To the future. The girl's parents gave the girl new memories that way she couldn't remember what really happened, and they started their lives over in this time." Coyote guy stopped and looked at me, "This is you and your parents Amanda. You are the reason that my family was shunned, the reason that I had to grow up with this weird power not having anyone other than my dad to teach me the ways. But he died." Coyote guy got up and snarled before he jumped at me.

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