What?! I Go to School With Supernatural Freaks?! [Chapter 15]

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What?! I Go to School With Supernatural Freaks?!

[Chapter 15]


Cause this is the last chapter, I tried to make it pretty long, hopefully it worked :D lol.

Anyways, enjoy and happy reading(:

"What the hell was that?" My dad asked, getting ready to storm back downstairs.

"It's the coyote guy..." John trailed off, "We really need to figure out his name..."

"I'm not letting some kid break into my house and threaten my daughter, kill my wife." My dad started to pull open the attic door.

"Wait dad, what about the fact that you recently had a heart attack?" I said worriedly, "I don't think you should be going to fight some freak..."

"Shh, quiet down, otherwise he's going to hear us." John hushed us.

"I'm fine hun, it'll be simple getting rid of this bastard." My dad gave me a reassuring smile.

"But-" I started to say, before I was cut off.

"No buts." My dad said.

"She might have a point sir, let me just get the others. We can take care of him easily." John replied.

"He killed my wife. My baby's mother. Surely you can understand that." He said looking at the both of us, but more at John.

John sighed in defeat, "Alright, but I'm coming with you. Amanda, you stay up here."

My dad had the door pulled open "Yeah, right, I'm coming with you two." I said and rushed out the door before they could stop me.

But I only made it so far before I smacked into something big and furry. The sudden impact caused me to fall backwards onto my butt. I looked up to see that I had ran into the coyote.

Even in his coyote form, I could see the smirk forming on his lips. I started to scramble away backwards, just as a bolt of light whizzed past my head, and straight into the coyote guy. It sent him flying backwards, with a shocked look on his face.

I saw him go around the corner, and heard a bunch of thumps, then they stopped. Signaling that he had fallen down the stairs.

John rushed to my side and helped me up, "You okay?"

"Yeah fine." I started to look behind me to say something to my dad, but I realized that he had already moved and was making his way to the stairs.

"Stay here. Please." John gave me a pleading look.

After what had just happened I realized why. I was only a distraction if I was there. I didn't know how to use my magic, and both my dad and John would only be worrying about be. One of them could get hurt.

So I nodded, "Alright."

John smiled before running off to join my dad. The last thing I saw was him turning into a wolf, and his tail disappearing around the corner.

I sat there for only god knows how long, fighting the urge to go downstairs. I wanted to know what was happening, and only the sounds of things breaking could be heard.

I was about to go insane when a face appeared around the corner. I hadn't moved from my spot, where John had asked me to stay, except for sitting down of course.

Anyways, a face appeared around the corner, John's. Except, he was still in his wolf form. He nodded his head at me and then at his back. Just as I was standing up, the fire alarms started to go off.

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