What?! I Go To School With Supernatural Freaks?! [Chapter 4]

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What?! I Go To School With Supernatural Freaks?!

C H A P T E R 4

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Yeah. What the hell are you talking about 'until now...'" Chris basically yelled.

John turned away from me to the others, "So you guys know how I said, we all of this different sent compared to everyone else?"

All the guys nodded and Chris asked, "What's that have to do with anything?"

"The guy in the classroom, he had that same smell. But at the same time there was something off about it. I feel like I should know what it is, but I just can't place it." John said.

"So are you saying you think he's from the fifth family?" Caleb asked.

"Yeah, I think, but I can't be positive."

"What do you think he wants then? I mean he didn't have to pretty much attack Amanda here. He could have just came up to us." Tim pointed out.

"I don't know guys. I'm just telling you what I think."

"Alright..."Chris sighed, "Chris you can stay here with her for now. The rest of you numbnuts, come with me."

"Fine. But I hope you know I'm not a numbnut. Can't speak for Tim though." Caleb laughed as he said the last part.

"You're the numbnut you douche." Tim went to smack the back of Caleb's head. Before long they were fighting each other.

"Retards! Move it!" Chris snapped.

"He started it." Mumbled Tim as they all walked out of the cabin.

I laughed once they were out of sight, "I don't know how you put up with them."

John just shook his head, "Neither do I."

We didn't speak for a few minutes while I thought about what John had just said. Wait. "What did you mean when you said you could smell them? Or whatever?"

"Well we each have a certain 'power' that goes along with our shape shifting. I have heightened senses, being a wolf and all."

"Really? Wow. What about the others?"

"Tim has super speed. Caleb has super strength. And Chris... he's a weird one. His 'power' has nothing to do with his animal; he's able to hear peoples thoughts."

"Really? It doesn't seem like he can." I thought back to the way Chris acted. He didn't finish anyone's sentences or anything that would make him seem like a mind reader.

"That's because he tries really hard to block out other people, unless he /really/ needs to hear someone's thoughts. He doesn't like his power." John explained.


"You can say that again." John seemed to think for a bit, "But you seem to be taking this well. I figured you'd run for the hills and never want to speak to any of us again."

"Nah, it's pretty cool. Like Twilight, or something." I said jumping up and down in my seat like a little girl.

"DO. NOT. Compare us to that retarded movie." John started freaking out.

I just laughed, "I was kidding. Chill."


After that, John just flipped the TV on and we ended up watching Jackass.

Jackass played for about an hour, but then it was over after that. "Hey, can we watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure. What do you want to watch?"

"Um...Do you have The Strangers?"

"Are you kidding? We have almost every good movie." John got up and walked to one side of the wall. After kicking it, it opened to reveal shelves and shelves filled with movies. After picking on of the movies from the stack and came back over and popped it into the DVD player.

We were just at the part where the main character looks out the window, and all of a sudden one of the creepy faces pops up, when the cabin door few open hitting the wall with a loud bang.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and jumped what felt like a mile. After landing in John's lap, we looked towards the door to see Chris, Caleb, and Tim.

John didn't scream, like I had, but I could see in his face he was ready to attack if he needed to. Once he saw it was the guys, he relaxed though.

"OH MY GOD! You two should have seen your faces!" Caleb was holding his stomach he was laughing so hard.

"Fuck off! Why don't you watch this movie, and I'll pop in the room like you guys did at one of the scariest parts. God dammit!" I started to give them a piece of my mind.

"Ooh, someone's a little touchy." Caleb was still laughing.

"Caleb, shut the hell up!" Chris said. Then he looked at John, "There was an animal attack not far from the school." He said grimly,

"What do you mean?" John asked giving him a weird look.

"It was a coyote."

"But coyotes don't attack humans." John said matter-of-factly.

"I know. That's the problem. The legend says that the fifth family's animal was the coyote."


Dundundunn lol

What do you guys think? This was the first chapter that I didn't have pretyped, soo im hoping its as good (maybe better (; ) than the other parts rofl

Vote/comment/fan :D

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