What?! I Go To School With Supernatural Freaks?! [Chapter 5]

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What?! I Go To School With Supernatural Freaks?!

Chapter 5


"I know. That's the problem. The legends says that the fifth family's animal was the coyote."


"Do you guys think it was him?" I asked, once I realized no one was going to say anything more.

"It has to be. The wounds looked too big to be a regular coyote also." Chris answered.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Well you saw John in his wolf form right?"

"Yeah?" I answered it more as a question.

"Well didn't you notice that he was a little bit bigger than a normal wolf?"

"Oh! I get it. So, the coyote guy would be bigger than a regular coyote too right?"

"Yes, and we need to stop him from killing." Chris said.

"He's probably doing it to get our attention." Caleb says.

"Yeah, that actually is probably it." John said, while everyone realized it.

"Well let's give him the fight he wants!" Caleb started going on how they could beat him.

"Caleb! Calm down! No one is fighting anyone!" Chris smacked Caleb in the back of the head.

I just realized that Tim had taken a seat next to me on the couch when he laughed.

"Alright, what do you suggest we do smart ass?" Caleb asked Tim.

"Well, do we know who the person that was attacked was?" I chimed in.

Everyone looked at me. "Why would we need to know that?" Tim asked.

I gave him an 'are you stupid' look, "Well if it was someone one of us knew, we could be sure that he was trying to get your attention. Otherwise it could just be random."

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