What?! I Go To School With Supernatural Freaks?! [Chapter 13]

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What?! I Go to School With Supernatural Freaks?!

[Chapter 13]

"Uhm...Dad?" I stood nervously in the doorway of my dad's hospital room for a few seconds. "The doctor said you were awake?" I said unsure, I mean, he could have fallen asleep again right?

But then he coughed, "Yeah, come in."

I made my way into his room and took a seat in a chair that was facing him. When we both went to speak at the same time, I said, "Go ahead."

"You sure?" He asked. When I just nodded, he continued, "Alright. Well, hun... I don't..." He sighed, "I don't mean to be mean. I don't want you to hate me; I'm doing this to keep you safe. And that boy... That boy is the opposite of safe."

"Dad, please listen to me. He's not. He's nothing but a gentleman." I needed my dad to believe me. John has been nothing but nice.

"No, Amanda he's only pretending. He killed you're mother. Why can't you see that?" My dad's voice was not raised, but was strained.

"Dad, it wasn't him. It wasn't even one of his friends. It was this other guy. He's a coyote, and he hates our family, mostly me, because his family was shunned from the rest of their kind because of me. You can't label John as bad just because someone like him is bad. It's like labeling all witches as bad because the one in Snow White tried to kill Snow White." It was a bad example, but it was the best I could think of at the moment.

My dad sighed, "I see you're point sweety. I really do. But I don't know." He ran one of his hands through his hair, "I just don't know."

"Can we just have him over for dinner in a few nights, after you're better, and we can all just start over. Then if you decided you don't like him, I'll do what you want." I really hoped that I wasn't going to regret this later, but I had to try to get my dad to understand.

My dad sighed yet again, "Fine. What's today? Tuesday... How about we have him over Thursday?"

I smiled, "Sounds good." I looked at the clock on the wall, "It's getting late, I should go." I got up from my seat and gave him a kiss on his cheek, "Good night dad. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night sweet heart. Will you be okay alone tonight?" He looked concerned.

"Yeah, maybe I'll have someone over just incase though. Is that alright?"

He nodded, "No boys though."

I laughed, "Of course not dad. Bye." I said before walking out the door.


When I reached where I left John, he had his head against the wall with his eyes closed. A thought came to mind and I smiled.

Quietly I made my way so my face was right in front of his. "BOO!" I yelled, moving my head back quickly so we didn't knock heads.

Which turned out to be a good idea.

He lurched forward and jumped out of his seat. It took him a second, but once he processed what had happened he glared at me.

I just gave him a big smile in response.

"If that smile wasn't so cute, I would get you back." He told me.

I just laughed, "Whatever. We should go."

He looked at the clock and nodded.

We made our way outside, and towards to woods, seeing as neither of us had a car. Before he had a chance to change though, I spoke, "Uhm... What are you doing Thursday night?"

"I don't know." He shrugged, "Why?"

"Well... I kind of convinced my dad that you aren't as bad as he thinks and that we should have you over for dinner." I didn't tell him about the rest. About how if my dad didn't like him after I would do what my dad wanted.

"Really?" He asked, and when I nodded, he said, "Alright, sounds fun. I'll clear my calendar." He winked.

I laughed and stood back when I realized he was going to change.

I think I was getting to used to riding on the back of a 'mutant wolf' because I was starting to think of this as normal, and find it fun.

But we made it back to my house quickly and said our good nights. He asked if I wanted him to stay, but I told him I was going to call a girl friend, like my dad asked. John nodded in understandment, and left giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

I walked into my house with a smile, only to realize after grabbing my phone, I didn't have anyone to call anymore. None of my friends wanted anything to do with me. Clare made that obvious earlier today in school.

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