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A certain nerdy blonde named Felicity checks out of her job at Queen Consolidated with the swipe of a card and begins to walk down to the "arrow cave" as she calls it, despite Oliver's dismay. She punches in the code and enters the mostly green, white, and black room with semi- good lighting. The dark blonde man staring intensely at the computer in his everyday clothes, an olive green t-shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes, sees Felicity take her coat off and throw her purple foe leather purse onto a desk. She begins to walk but then notices Oliver's stare. His blue azure eyes softened as he stared at the blonde without himself knowing that he was creeping her out. Her eyebrows furrowed as she stepped onto the platform using the three stairs. 

"Did you find anything? Well, by anything, I mean anyone who is a villain and is trying to disrupt our peace here in Star City." Felicity says as she takes inhales a deep breath. She takes a seat next to Oliver who focused himself back to the white, large computer.

"Collins Clark, not a meta but a divorced husband who after his divorce began to commit small crimes but then began murdering." The Green Arrow says as he pushes a button to show her the picture of a pale skinned man with black and white hair.

 "Alright I'll track him as soon as I can. Oh! Also, Barry wants to talk to us about something next week." Felicity informs Oliver.

"Okay. I'll help you once we go the dinner meeting with Digg and Lyla.

"Right, I forgot about that," Felicity said as she scrunched her eyes and continued, "I'll go change really quick and meet you there?"

"Are you sure? I can pick you up." Oliver offered as Felicity got up.

Felicity smiles but shakes her head, "No, its okay. Thank you." She says as she walks off the steps and grabs her purse and coat and waves a little goodbye to Oliver. 

The blonde gets into her mini cooper, the same one she met the Arrow in. She drives off until she gets to her apartment. She opens the door and pushes the buttons with the numbers on them and after about 5 buttons pressed, the door opens and she gets into an elevator. She checks her phone and sees that she has one hour to get ready. She gets off the elevator and walks up to her apartment room door. She opens it and gets inside. She closes the door, locks it,  and hangs her coat and purse. She walks into her room and finds a blue long, flowy dress and changes into it. She then grabs her contact kit,  and her makeup and hair bag. 

She switches out her glasses for contacts, revealing her electrifying blue eyes even more. The blonde freshens up her makeup and does her hair similar to when to when her and Oliver went on their first date. She was ready and had 15 minutes to spare so she decided to grab her laptop and do more research on Clark. 

The pretty blonde sat on her orangey- red sofa and read an article she found on Clark and saw that it said the same thing Oliver told her... except that it was written 2 years ago. This Clark was dangerous, but thankfully the Green Arrow was there to stop him.

Felicity got up from the sofa and grabbed a small clutch and her phone and left. She got inside her car and drove to the restaurant where she greeted Oliver, Diggle, and Lyla. 

They all sat down and started discussing the real reason they met. 

"Who's tail are we looking to cut off now?" Digg asked.

"Collins Clark." Oliver responded.

He explained to John who Clark was and right as he finished Felicity said, "The article Oliver got that information from... It was written two years ago. He has been a problem for a really long time and we have to stop him before he gets even more out of hand than he is now." 

Everyone nodded and for the rest of the night all of them laughed, joked around, ate good food, and just hung out like "normal" people.

Ahhh  guys its up!! I hope you like it!!! This chapter was edited so it is wayyy better! This is the first chapter so it was kind of slow, but hopefully you will stick around for the ride! Comment please and tell me what you want to see because I will give you a dedication if I use your idea!! Love you guys!! Thank you to everyone who voted on this chapter!!
Xoxo, gossip girl... Jk no its just me

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