The Fight

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The lips parted. Both of them staring at each other's blue azure eyes.

"Okay, okay. That's enough!" Clark says as he opens the cage and drags Oliver away from the beautiful blonde.

Felicity ran up as close as she could get to Oliver and held onto the cold, gray metal bars separating the new couple. Her eyes welled with warm tears.

"This is between me and you now." Oliver says as he gets into position, ready to fight Clark. He no longer has his bow or his leather jacket which he took off to show Felicity his tattoo. The fight was with a normal human being with extraordinary muscles and a man with super powers that could kill any man with one raise of an arm.

"Ready." Clark started forming his arms to an X shape.

Oliver did the same and said, "Set."

"Go!" Said the villain as he went to throw a punch at Oliver who ducked just in the nick of time.

Oliver punched Clark in the stomach throwing the villain back a few steps.

Clark fell with the force. The Green Arrow approached the man clutching his stomach. He was about to kick him when Collins Clark kicked his legs up which made Oliver lay in the position Clark was in.

The villain got up and grabbed Oliver by the neck. The Green Arrow struggled for breath... He was dying and could feel it. Then, all of a sudden all of these memories came hurdling at him. They were all of one person... Felicity Megan Smoak. The day they got together. Their nights laughing with each other. Their first home. Their engagement day. This day.

I have to live... For her.

Oliver kicked a knee up at Clark and with that he was allowed to breathe. The shirtless man threw a punch at Clark getting him to a point close to being knocked out.

On the other side of the room, the blonde noticed the guards acting almost brain dead. They were under some sort of control. They pupils were dilated and they stood like statues.

Pow! Felicity heard as she turned her head to see Oliver laying on the ground with his arms around Clark's neck.

He was suffocating him...

"Oliver!" Felicity shouted.

Oliver looked at Felicity confused.

"Stop! Don't kill him... He may not be the nicest person ever... But, he is human, a human who made wrong decisions."

Oliver let Clark catch his breath and once he did, knocked him out with a blow to his head.

"Felicity, John, I'm going to let you guys go and when the door opens, RUN." Oliver instructs as he opens Johns door. The chocolate skinned man stays where he is and once Oliver opened the lock for Felicity she stayed there too.

"Oliver look at these men. They are under some sort of brainwashing and you think that I am going to leave." She says as she gets to the computer and starts jabbing the keys. She eventually came up with a way to stop them from going brain dead.

She hit the keys vigorously and after she pressed enter, turned around to see all of the guys rub their head and talk to one another, hug one another. The blonde smiled.

"Felicity, I am so glad you are on this team." John says smiling as Oliver is looking at the villain.

"Guys, I think Clark was wearing a mask." Oliver says as everyone gathers around the trio. They could all see the villain's face peeling up a little bit.

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