Life... yes because life happens

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Oliver and Felicity are leisurely walking through the beautiful city, looking at all of the billboards, buildings, window shops, and other people.

They were about two hours early for the board meeting. They made small talk like, "So, how is work." or "How are you doing."

They both think its been hard to talk, like talk, not about their job, or their other job. But actual talk. It has been like one of those cliché books where things are awkward after a relationship.

Oliver still has strong feelings bottled up for Felicity, but Felicity is still shaken about Oliver not telling her about his son.

Trust is a big part in finding a soul mate for Felicity and Oliver completely ignored that when he didn't tell her about this big secret.

The duo were walking down. Both of them wearing light coats with pockets to hold their hands. They were walking on the sidewalk along a big building with a lot of glass.

They sort of bump into each other while walking. Oliver smiles shyly and says sorry quietly. Felicity smiles a small smile and looks down with blood rushing to her already rosy cheeks.

   What is wrong with you Felicity!! Why are you blushing. He kind of just bumped into you. Wow I thought I would be saying that in other circumstances... Very platonic circumstances. Ugh focus. Felicity says to herself and clears her throat and asks, "So... How Thea is holding up with the mayor's assistance job?"
"She is a quick learner. Smart. I think for someone who is technically holding up the city.. She is pretty good." Oliver says with a proud smile. Felicity admires the loving bond between the two siblings from different fathers.
"Yeah. Maybe she will be into computer science next so I will actually have a girl to talk to..." Felicity clears her throat and begins to remember Laurel. Her wonderful friend with the die for brown, chocolate like hair, pretty face, and healthy body. She also was the woman who was courageous and curious, she made sure no one got hurt and because of that her life was taken.

Oliver realizes what she is talking about and engulfs her in a hug. His arms feeling empty because the blonde was so tiny.

She cries and he keeps telling her that it isn't her fault, "It's okay, Felicity. She's doing great I bet."
Once the blonde calms down she  wipes her eyes and says, "I'm sorry. Thank you Oliver. I have been holding it for God knows how long." She laughs at herself. She walks around to sit on a wooden, brown bench behind her. The Green Arrow follows her.

"Felicity I know things haven't been the same since you know, we split but you can still talk to me." Oliver says as he puts a hand on the shoulder of the blonde next to him.

Felicity smiles and wipes her face that has been flooded with tears. The day seems endless for her. She checks the time and sees that they have the exact amount of time needed to get to Queen Consolidated.

"We should get going... Thank you again." Felicity said as she gently squeezed the blond mans hand. Oliver nods in response and cherishes the small moment they had with each other.

Felicity lets go of his hand and gets up. Oliver gets up slowly admiring the blonde who helps him everyday with no complaint, from a few steps back.

Another chapter is up!!! I really hope you like this chapter in even though it was a bit dramatic. Please comment and vote! I like comments more. You guys seriously have no idea how happy I get when I see so and so has commented on your chapter. I am always looking for feedback and ways to improve my writing. Anyways, I just want you to know that I enjoy comments more than votes. Yes, of course, votes are great and please continue them, but comments are so amazing! They make me so excited that people are actually enjoying the fan fiction. I want to interact with people who have similar interests with me! Thanks, I love you!!!
Xoxo, gossip girl... Yea I'm gonna keep doing this. But its just me.

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