Open Your Eyes, There's a World You're Missing

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Just the four lay still, unmoving. Everyone else fled from the crusade. Now 3 were still as the Green Arrow awoken. "Cahh Cahh ." The ex-billionaire shot up for air as he coughed and the green fumes came up. Luckily, there wasn't much as he was the farthest away from the villain. Aubrey lay next to him. Her petite body must have been thrown with great force when the table was knocked over. Oliver checked her pulse, it was there, a normal pulse. Her superhuman body must have helped get rid of all the poison quickly. He looked around for the rest of the team. Digg was spotted on the other side of the table, the vigilante crawled over and checked his pulse, it was there, he was knocked out like Aubrey. There was a way to get both of them to wake up at the exact same time....SLAP!!  The African American snapped up straight. So did the tiny brunette. 

"HEYY? WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Digg asked Oliver who was frantically looking for the blonde.

Aubrey began to wander around and asked, "What happened in here?"

Oliver grabbed Diggle by the arm and pulled him close and whispered, "I can't find Felicity, I will go looking for her, but I need you to go bring Aubrey somewhere safe with you." Digg nodded and showed Oliver his gun that he always kept around him. Oliver nodded while Digg grabbed Aubrey and headed out. He rounded a corner and he felt a tug. 

"I'm sorry, but I already checked and the coast is clear we can go."

Diggle got confused for a second and then realized that the eight year old was smart and had super speed. While they were doing that, Oliver shouted, "FELICITY!!" he ran around the table and was beginning to panic. And then he saw a red dress, similar to the one Felicity wore on their first date that got ruined. He ran up and saw the marks on her face, she was the closest to Clark when they got intoxicated. 

"Felicity... Felicity please get up." Oliver said  close to her neck checking her pulse which was weak, but there, thankfully. 

"GAHHH!"  Felicity screamed and shot up. But, as she did her lips locked with Oliver's for a second before she swiped her face away. 

"Ca-hem." Felicity cleared her throat and pretended like nothing happened even though the inside of her skull was burning on fire. "Where are the others." the blonde said getting up carefully making sure she doesn't fall. 

"Uh, Digg took Aubrey to the apartment to keep her safe, I was looking for you." Oliver said disappointed that she brushed off the small detail that made his day.

"Okay." Said the blonde, looking out to see the sun rising from the east.

"We should get out of here, whatever happens stand behind me and keep looking back." The sandy haired mad says as he takes off the safety latch on the gun and points it in front of him. They start moving.

They enter a dark room with just barely enough light to see. They go down the stairs and get to the entrance. Its locked. Olive tries to break it gently but can't.

"Felicity step back." She does as told. Oliver takes a few steps back himself and runs to the door and kicks his leg out in front of him and smashes the door to pieces. Felicity climbs trough to the other side careful not to cut her self. Oliver finds Diggle who came back with the car, "I brought Aubrey to my army friend that lives nearby and came back here, Aubrey checked, no sign of Clark." Diggle explained as the blondes got into the car with Oliver in the passenger's seat and Felicity in the middle of the back seat. He started the car and drive off. He noticed something was bothering them.

"Is something wrong, did something happen?" He asked in a concerned voice.

"It was nothing, well, it was something, but it was an accident." Felicity blabbered.

Oliver's heart shattered that she thought that it was nothing.

They sat in silence for the rest of the short car ride and picked Aubrey up. When they arrived, Digg parked and they all got out. They walked past the lobby and to their rooms. Diggle walked in to his room and Aubrey and Felicity walked into there's. Oliver walked into his with a glum look.

The night was biting away with him not being able to sleep. He had to talk to her, tell her how he really felt, in detail, not like before. He got up left his room and walked two steps to her room. He raised a fist in the air. Are you sure you want to do this? This might change everything. He ignored his thoughts and knocked. The blonde opened the door and said, "Oliver, is everything okay?"

He couldn't think of anything else to say but, "I love you."

A lot of romance eh? Ok so this book has a few more chapters to go so, I want to know, do you guys want a sequel to this book or a new book. I would be fine with both because I really want to start a new story after I edit this book. Yes, I am going to completely renovate the first few chapters so I might add things. I just want your opinion, please comment which one you want!! Me and You is not done yet, like I said, but it is close. Thank you so much for your support!! You all know who you are. I love you guys so much!
Xoxo... Gossip girl... I probably will never let this go lol

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