Question and a Statement

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The last day of their vacation. They have to leave at 11pm to catch their flight.

The day starts out with Felicity waking up with a smile on her face, remembering everything that happened last night. She was finally with the man that she loved.

There was something that the both of them were thinking about yesterday, but they couldn't discuss it with Aubrey in the room, so they decided to go to the tiny little café in the middle of town to talk about it.

Felicity gets up and checks on Aubrey. She walks into the room she was sleep in to notice an awake little girl.

"Hey, you're awake early?" Felicity says while sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Yeah, I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep... You seem happy?" The brunette questioned.

"Yeah.. Yeah I am," Felicity said smiling and looking down at her hands. "Um, actually I was going to go meet up with Oliver to discuss... Discuss some business. Digg is gonna be here in an hour to watch over you. If you need anything, don't be afraid to call."

"Yeah, yeah." Aubrey nagged, laughing.

Felicity was actually happy for once. She got ready and sat in the limo where Oliver was waiting for her.

They both smiled as they saw each other.

"Hi." The blonde started.

"Hey. Uh, I actually have to tell you something important, but I just want to have this car ride... To us." The dark blond man said.

"Then, it shall." Felicity said as she raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"That isn't a Shakespeare reference right? I uh didn't study-"

"No, Oliver you're fine. Though, I do suggest you at least try to read Romeo and Juliet, it's a classic!" The blonde realized that she had gotten to excited over a nerd thing so she subconsciously started played with the end of her yellow hair.

Oliver watched her, the adorable, beautiful, and amazing girl in front of him.

He got distracted when the limo pulled up to the tiny café. They both got some bubble tea, Felicity going abroad and getting a pretty lilac drink and Oliver stuck with classic black coffee.

They sat down on the stools that were lined up against a window. They sat their drinks on the table as they decided to try it together.

They put their right hand around around the cup as Felicity started counting to three, "One."

"Two" Oliver continued.

"Three." Felicity said as the both put the straw to their mouths and had the liquid flow into their mouths.

Their heads tilted back in delight.

"Mmm." Felicity said, acknowledging the glorious taste.

Oliver looked at her and once she looked over he started, "We have to talk."

"About what? Us? What are we now?" Felicity's mouth opened to say those questions.

"I don't think we should adopt Aubrey and be together right now. It's just not the right time." Oliver said glumly and looked down so the urge of kissing her would minimize a bit, it didn't work.

"What? Oliver the city is in its best right now. We got Clark... We are all safe. If we are ever going to be is the right time." Felicity said.

"I just don't want Aubrey or you being hurt... I want to be with you so bad... But, I can't. I want to have a life with you and I want to be able to call Aubrey my daughter." Oliver said sincerely.

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