Open and Honest

809 22 9

Oliver hurried to Felicity's apartment. He felt something... A tang of jealousy? He couldn't understand why he couldn't just agree with Felicity's decision with their relationship and her own with that Jake guy.
Oliver got to Felicity's apartment building and started to almost run to her cream colored door, the one that was identical to everyone else's, but unique in its own way.

He hated that she was mad at him. The way her innocent eyes looked at him through the rose tinted glasses was a pure look of sadness. He knocked on her door.

No one answered. He knocked again. Felicity was on the other side, trying to make a decision on whether she should let him in or keep him out. Not just in her room but should he be let in to her life further than he already is.

Her glasses were off and her shoulder length, blonde hair, a cute mess. Her puffy eyes showed that she was crying but she didn't care. She opened the door. Ready to deal with her previous relationship.

Both were lost in each others blue azure eyes. The dark blond muscular man showed his sorrow. The blonde, thin woman showed her vulnerability. He thought of it as cute but felt worried that she was never going to talk to him.

"Felicity... You know I didn't mean it like that," Oliver started. He placed a hand on her cheek and he leaned against it slightly. "You are a wonderful person. Without you I wouldn't have been able to find any of those people hurting our city. Just, why didn't you tell me about your boyfriend?" He struggled with the last word.

"I just... I don't know. I've just been overly stressed lately," Felicity explained, she turned to the side to let Oliver in and closed the door once he entered her spotless apartment. She was trying not to loose her calm and sob the whole sentence out. "This whole crazy guy Clark trying to kill you thing its... Its hard." She says in an exhausted tone.

"I'm sorry, but this is probably going to stress you out even more. Barry texted that he was going to meet us soon." Oliver said looking down.

"Right... Why would Barry want to meet up unless there's a problem. Of course its our job to take care of all the problems here in Star City, but it makes us stressed and I'm gonna shut up so we can go in 3-2-1. Okay." Felicity says as Oliver tries to hide the smile creeping up on his face.

****************at the arrow cave**
   Barry comes speeding in. But, not alone. After him comes a younger speedster. Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity stare in disbelief. She was young... Maybe 8 or 9. She pulled down her ruby hood and looked around with big curious eyes.

"Now can you tell why I came here earlier." Barry says with a sigh.

"Hi! I'm Aubrey Lynn!! You can call me Aubrey!" Said the young female speedster.

They all waved with smiles trying to cover up their astonishment.

Aubrey had brown curly hair, medium dark skin, big brown eyes, long lashes, and thin lips topped off her face. Her petite thin body and tiny feet added to her face could have anyone wanting to pinch her cheeks.
One thing they didn't know was that she had a huge story. But, they were going to listen through all of it. Every last detail.

I worked really hard on this chapter so I hope you guys like it!! Also I noticed that a lot of you didn't read my last chapter! It would mean a lot if you could read it!! Also please vote and comment!! I like hearing from you guys!!! Thank you guys soooooooooooooooooooo much for 100 reads!!!! I didn't think that this would happen!!! I love you guys sooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!
Xoxo... Gossip girl.... Jk its just me😂😂😂

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