Forgiveness is Key

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"No... No! Tell me there was reason! TELL ME THERE WAS A REASON AND THAT I CAN TRUST YOU!!" Aubrey says fighting herself and tears.

"It was either kill millions or kill thousands. I'm soooo sorry. You don't deserve this...nobody deserves this." Felicity says crying with her hand held up to her eyes.

"Its... It's its okay! I'm sorry. I just, I'm sorry." Aubrey says taking a deep breath and wiping away her tears.

"Thank you so much!!" Felicity says in a cry laugh smile thing. She pulls Aubrey into a hug and says thank you over and over in her head.

Oliver and Diggle look at each other and smile. The muscular dark blonde man reaches out and squeezes Felicity's shoulder gently, to tell her that he was there for her.

"Aubrey, I'm going to be your legal guardian." Felicity says.

"I would like that very much. Thank you."

********time skip to next day*****

Aubrey and Felicity are getting to know each other in Felicity's apartment. They are sitting in her orangy red sofa and they r in their pajamas and slippers. Felicity's glasses are off because she broke them while playing with Aubrey so she's now wearing contacts. Someone knocks. What an unusual time for someone to come knocking at her door. Considering its only five in the morning. Turns out, Aubrey was an early bird like her.

Felicity gets up from the sofa and peeks through the peep hole. Its oliver. Of. Course...

Felicity giggles and opens the door.

"What are you doing here?" Felicity says with a smile while letting Oliver in.

"I just wanted to make sure everything was alright. By the way nice pajamas." Oliver says while smiling. Which he found he mostly does when it involves Felicity.

Felicity sacks his arm lightly.

"Ow!" Oliver says like a toddler.

"Really? Really? You can get bit by a car and not even flinch but this hurts!" Felicity says giggling.

"Ahem. Umm. Are you two dating or something?" Aubrey asks in a sheepish voice.

Oliver grabs Felicity small arm and drags her lightly into into Felicity's room which was spotless.

Oliver closes the door to make sure Aubrey doesn't hear.

"Felicity, I still..." Oliver starts.

"Oliver what?"

"I still love you."

Felicity just stares and says, "Oliver you can't be serious. I have a boyfriend who I L...Who I am fully involved with."

Oliver doesn't care. He needs it. He grabs her faces. And leans in until their lips mash together. He lets go after twenty seconds.

Felicity... Felicity liked it. She missed it, but she was with Jake. And she really liked Jake.

"Oliver, get out." She says tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Felicity I'm sorry!" Oliver says pleading.

"I said Get. Out."

Oliver left feeling sorry for what he did.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I am sorry it is short, I just don't want it to get draggy, if you know what I mean. Thank you so much for everything! The votes are amazing and I love seeing your comments, so PLEASE comment. It makes my day! And also, feel free to comment a suggestion, even if the book is done. I am always looking for how to make my chapters better! Please comment and vote! Thank you for reading! I love you guys all so much! Xoxo... Gossip Girl... Jk, It will always be me, the girl behind the screen writing this.

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