The Girl With the Brown Eyes

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"So... This is Aubrey... And she's a speedster." Barry says in a tone to try to brighten up the mood. He smiled awkwardly waiting for a response.

"You want us to train her don't you?" Felicity says. "Too soon?" She says as she looks at the others trying to see their facial expressions.

"Look Star City is in a better place than Central City right now," Barry says looking down at Aubrey, "and I think it would be best of you guys got to know each other a little bit better." He says looking significantly at Felicity.

"Alright I have to go now. But, I'll see you guys later," he says as he checks his watch. Barry crouches down to meet Aubrey's brown eyes and says in almost a whisper, "Remember, forgiveness is always the key and your angel family loves you. I believe you will be the best person you could ever be. I'll be back soon." He ends it with a light smile and it almost brings Aubrey to tears but she remains strong and quiet.

Felicity grabs her hand and nods and everyone understood that she was in good hands.

Barry speeds off showing just a red streak. They blink and there is no sight of him. He reached Central City in a flash.

In Star City, a man says, "Hey Aubrey. I'm Oliver and this is Felicity and John." Oliver says as he point to each of them.

"You can call me uncle Diggle." John says with his arms relaxing a bit.

"Felicity Smoak. I'm very happy to meet you." Felicity says and holds out her hand.
A faint, dainty little hand comes up slowly, and grabs Felicity's hand and shakes it about a centimeter closer to the floor and back up. Felicity smiles and looks at Oliver.

"I'm Oliver, and I'm also the Green Arrow." This was the second time Oliver felt that he could trust someone without really getting to know them, the first, obviously, Felicity.

"Ok, uncle Ollie!" Aubrey says and continues, "my uncles name was that before he died in a car crash, but I never knew him that well anyway."

   Oliver smiles a sympathetic smile and the rest of the team mimics his actions.

    "Aubrey if you don't mind, can you share more about yourself."

"Well, I'm from Havenrock. And obviously it blew up and I was the only one who escaped. My family died there. I was thrown into a corner where there was some dark cloud... Also known as dark matter and it collided with me giving me super speed. To this day I miss my family so much and I just wanna say that I am thankful too, my speed, my ability to help others, is just what my parents wanted me to do and I am so thankful!" She says almost crying.

"Aub... Aubrey," Felicity says in tears. "I was the one who sent the mistle to your home. I was the one who killed your family."

Aubrey stared at her. Questions forming in her head, getting ready to spill.

Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter, even though it is kind of short! This character is really fun to play around with. She has a pretty important role in this fan fiction. I hope you like her! Please, please, please, comment and vote! Thank you soooo much for all the love this is getting! This is truly amazing! Thank you guys! I love you so much!!!
Xoxo.... Gossip girl.... Jk it is just meee!

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