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"Hello? Oliver? John?" Felicity stood up. Her eyebrows crinkled as she tried to see through the darkness.

"Felicity!?" Oliver said as he looked at Diggle.

"Follow the sound of our voice!" The African American instructed.

Felicity nodded and gave a little, "Okay."

"Okay, you got this." Digg said.

"Marco?" The blonde said.

"Polo." The dark blonde, muscular man said as he chuckled.

Felicity put her arms out in front of her and felt a leather jacket. She looked up and saw the signature stubble of Oliver Queen. She grabbed him and pulled him into an embrace.

"You have no clue how happy I am to see you guys." She says as she lets go of Oliver and hugs Diggle.

"I have one day to figure out if I want to die in this cell, or if I do what Clark asks on that sheet of paper on the computer." Felicity explains.

"You have to take the computer." The Green Arrow orders.

"What? Oliver, how-" the blonde started.

Oliver cut her off and grabbed her shoulders and said, "I have to tell you something... Alone." Oliver said looking at Diggle who went to the far end of the huge cell.

"Cahem-" Oliver cleared his throat as he began to talk.

"Oliver... How am I supposed to just do the thing Clark asks..." The blonde says searching his eyes. "Just for me to live."

"The tattoo... The one with green ink on my chest. This one," the ex- billionaire says as he takes off his leather jacket and points at the green star. "I got it... In Russia."

Felicity reaches up with her delicate fingers and touches it, ever so lightly, and looks up. Oliver finds it his cue to continue, "I was nervous to get it... Because this tattoo, it's a symbol for the Bratva. It's a promise with my friend Anotoli, I guess you can call him that. Anotoli and I got matching tattoos to show our allegiance to the Bratva. Without it, I wouldn't be here right now, I wouldn't have come here, I wouldn't be the Green Arrow... I wouldn't have met you..." Oliver says as he looks down.

The blonde furrowed her eyebrows and said, "What? I don't understand. The sailors would've come anyway and-"

"I would've been dead," Oliver said looking at the woman he so desired to be with. "Sometimes, Felicity, we have to do things that will save us..."

"Oliver, I'm not going to let myself do that. I'd rather let myself go!" She says as she turns around and composed herself.

"I'm never going to let you go, Felicity. Let alone let you let yourself go." Oliver said placing a hand on the blondes shoulder, him still seeing the yellow ponytail.

Tears were now flooding the blondes eyes. She was torn. She turned around and said, "I don't know."

"Felicity, please. Please do this for me..." Oliver urged.

"Okay! Times up!" Clark said as he turned on some lights. The room was still dim, but now they could see.

"What? That was NOT 24 hours. That was like three!" Felicity said turning around to face Clark who was on the other side of the bars.

"I shall not be the one waiting. You do as I say." Clark demanded.

Felicity turned slightly to look at Oliver who gave her a slight nod.

"Fine. What do you want." The blonde said as she approached Clark.

"Very well, good choice." He opened the bars to let Felicity out and shut it quickly.

They walked over to the computer and Clark handed her the paper.

She looked at it and opened her eyes wide. She opened her mouth and said, "I'm not doing this."

"Wha- How do you-" Clark questioned.

"How do I know that this is a way to open the poisonous gas tanks? Because I went to MIT to study these sort of things... And I'm not stupid." Felicity said ripping the paper and throwing it at Clark.

"Okay, you have made your decision. Guards! Take her to the prison where she and her precious friends shall perish." Clark said motioning to the cage across from him and diagonal to John and Oliver.

"Hey! HEY! STOP!" Oliver yelled as the guards dragged her about to steps away from Clark.

The villain put up two fingers in motion for the guards to stop.

"What do have for me?" Clark bargained.

"Take me! Fight me! But, don't hurt a hair on her... Or John!" Oliver said.

Felicity and Diggle looked at Oliver disapproving his idea.

"Fine! And because I am feeling generous, I will let you all have your final words as you, my friend, will no longer see the light outside." Clark said turning away and motioning the guards to continue bringing Felicity to the cage.

"Oliver, man are you crazy!?" Digg said.

"Listen, Digg. I just want to thank you for believing and helping me all these years. Being a brother I never had." Oliver said sincerely.

"No, don't talk like that Oliver. You are going to fight and win against this son of a-"

"I'll try Digg." Oliver interrupted. They hugged and as Oliver left the cage to greet Felicity he looked back.

The Green Arrow reached the blondes cage and one of the guards opened it and closed it quickly once he was inside.

"Felicity." Oliver said smiling.

"You are the most insane person I have ever met!"  Felicity said to him smacking him lightly.

"You are the most amazing person I have ever met. All those days where I came into your office, asking you to help me with ridiculous lies... I knew you were special." Oliver said placing his hands on Felicity's soft cheeks.

"I just thought you were crazy, but I helped you anyway." Felicity said smiling.

"Then, we became friends, started dating, engaged, broke up, I said I love you... We've been though a lot." the dark blond male said as he removed his hands from her cheeks.

"We have. And I want us to go through more together. So, please just let this go... Don't let him kill you." Felicity said.

"I do too. I love you, Felicity... A lot." Oliver said as he looked deeply into her eyes.

Felicity swallowed the air clogging her throat and whispered, "I love you too."

That kiss was the most powerful kiss either one of them shared. It was light, but heavy, soft, yet rough. Full of love and compassion. It was shared between them.

Hey!!!! Yes, she finally said it!!!! Sorry for the very late update!! I was just unmotivated to write and I was sick so... yeah. I really hope you like this chapter! It is a little longer than usual so, I apologize for those of you who hate long chapters! Also, thank you soooooo much for all of the support and votes! Because of all of that, we are super close to 2000 reads and we already have 100 votes!! This makes me so happy! This is the third to last chapter of the book! I am currently still thinking of ideas for my actual book that is coming after this one is fully edited and done!! Okay, that was a lot of rambling so, I am just going to stop this chapter here. I love you guys all so much!!! Thank you!!               Xoxo... Gossip Girl... I really liked this chapter... Also, it's just me.

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