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   Felicity's eyes flickered open. Oliver looked at her and stood up from the chair.

   Felicity struggled to get up with the pain in her arm, which oliver noticed and gently helped her sit up, and after a few seconds stand.

   Her purple dress was soaked in her blood. She started, "what happened?" She asked looking at her appearance and silently dealing with the pain. "Well, I know what happened but whats wrong with my arm but more importantly... Are you okay? And are you spinning" Felicity asked with concerned eyes searching Oliver's fave for clues of blood or concern.

   "Felicity, I am fine, thank you, but you should be getting rest. There is nothing to worry about. Just rest."

   "No, oliver I can't rest... we have to find Clark... People could be getting killed right now!!!"

   "Felicity, I dealt with him already."

   "You killed him- you didn't have to do that for me!!!"

   "No, no... I was about to but I knew what you would say so I stabbed an arrow in his thigh." Oliver says putting a callused hand on her soft cheek.

   "Mhmm." Felicity says with her eyebrows furrowed and look of pain as she grabs her bandaged arm.

   "Hey, your okay... Your okay. As oliver takes an aspirin and water and gives it to her.

   She tosses the white pill in her mouth and the chugs the clear liquid down.

   Diggle walks in with lyla and Aubrey. Oliver looks over while Felicity is still chugging on the water. Aubrey looks in horror as she sees Felicity with her bandaged arm and all the equipment for her out.

   "How's she doing." Dig says as Felicity puts down her glass and leans on the table with her uninjured hand.

   "I'm fine, just stinging a bit."  Felicity says with her eyes squinted behind her rose tinted glasses keeping her tears from escaping her eyelids.

   Oliver knows she is lying but let's her be, knowing that she will put up a fight.

   "Oh um Felicity, our trip is next week and I talked to them and they saw d that we could bring all of you." Oliver says.

   "Next week I have to do some urgent research at argus for Clark so I can't come. But John you can go. I've got things under control." Lyla says.

   "SHOOT!  What time is it?" Felicity asks.

   "Around nine. Why?" Oliver answers.

   "I had a date with jake today at 7."

   "Oh... I'm sorry." Oliver says glumly.

    "I'll just call him and say that... I had to find my wallet so I completely forgot." Felicity says as she dials his number.

    She calls him and hears his voice, "You stood me up."

    "No I can explain-" Felicity pleaded.

    "No, we are through. You always need to explain things to me and I know you are keeping something from me... And I can't be with someone that has a relationship with me that is full of lies." Jake says in a serious tone and hangs up leaving Felicity speechless.

    "Are you okay?" Aubrey asks.

    "We just broke up... But I'm fine." Felicity said but realized that she didn't actually care...

   Hey! Its up!!! I really hope I can keep updating like this and finish the book for you guys!! I hope you guys like the chapter and thanks to every one reading it!!  Also thanks for 200+ reads, it really mean a lot and go read my friend's story "comforting embrace" Fashionista786 thanks guys once again!! Plz vote and comment!!!

Xoxo.... Gossip girl... Jk its just me!

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