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Felicity sat in horror as the salty tears escaped her eyes and fell in her soft cheeks. Donna comforted her daughter trying to keep her own tears from escaping.

"I'm sorry, honey." Donna said with a crack in her voice and she started to cry too.

"Its not fair! All he wanted to do was help people and now... Now he's gone." Felicity said with her body shaking.

"Honey, you don't know that. You don't know if he is dead. He could still be alive. Have some hope." Donna said with her eyes on her daughter's.

Felicity nodded her head and tried to break into the camera of the building near where Oliver might have died. The camera showed up and all she saw was a green body laying on the ground with red stains.

"No... No!!!" Felicity cried into her mother's arms. Right as that happened Diggle and Aubrey came in.

"What's wrong? Everything okay? Where's Oliver?" Questioned Diggle.

"He went out to fight Clark and I... I think.... He's dead." Felicity sobbed.

"NO!!!" Digg said as he walked over to the computer. He looked at it sternly and whispered as if the green body laying on the floor could hear him through the obviously broken ear piece, "Come on Oliver. Come on pal. Please get up for your life, for your dignity, for your love, Felicity." He said the last  part very quietly. Felicity's sobbing was too loud for anyone to hear.

Diggle looked at the screen and went over to a sobbing Aubrey and comforted her and told her that Oliver was fine and that everything would be alright.

"Please Oliver, wake up. " Felicity said in a pleaded whisper. "Please get up for me." 

***Back at where Oliver's body is laying.****

"Please Oliver, wake up.... Please get up for me."

He heard her whisper. That one whisper made his eyes flicker open. A tingling, scratchy sensation came up his  throat, he coughed. The green intoxication came rising up out of his throat and disappearing into thin air.

He got up and slowly walked to the corner to make sure Clark wasn't there. He wasn't. He ran to his black motorcycle and put on his black helmet and drove off to the lair.

***back at the arrow cave***

Felicity opened her eyes after pleading for a while for Oliver to wake up and when she did, she realized he wasn't there.

"G-G- Guys." Felicity says in shock.

"Where did he go?" Dig says approaching the computer.

Right as he said that, shuffling of the shoes broke the silence. They all turned around. It was Oliver.

Felicity shot up out of her chair and flung into his arms, with her arms around his neck engulfing him in a hug. He grabbed her waist and  squeezed it slightly to not hurt her injured arm.

"I- I thought you were..." Felicity said as her voice got muffled by Oliver's sturdy shoulder.

"I was... I woke up when I heard you." Oliver said quietly to the blonde head.

"How your- your microphone was smashed into a billion pieces?" Questioned the lady with the yellow pony tail.

"I don't know. I just heard." He whispered.

They stayed in the hug for a couple of seconds and let go. Felicity wiped the tears off of her cheeks and Oliver walked up the three steps and up to Diggle, Donna and Aubrey. All with tears on their cheeks, including Oliver. The dark blonde muscular man hugged the chocolate brown skinned man.

"Its good to have you back pal." Diggle said. Oliver smiled and nodded.

"Oh Oliver." Said Donna with her arms ready to hug him. Another sweet and endearing smile to his ex-mother-in-law.

Oliver walked up to the cute little girl wiping her tears away and on his knees said, "It's ok. I'm here now, and that is all that matters, I would never leave you alone, Aubrey." He hugged her tiny figure with her small arms barely going around his sides. They let go and Oliver stood up said, "He thinks I'm dead. That will give him a surprise when I go and catch him-"

"Kill him." Felicity said standing a bit straighter.

"What? Felicity.... Can we talk alone?" He asked looking over at Aubrey with the side of his eye and everyone understood that Aubrey shouldn't know about killing.

Everyone walked away and it was just Oliver and Felicity in the room.

"You have to kill him, Oliver!" Felicity said.

"No! It goes against all the rules!" Oliver exclaimed.

"Oliver! He could be killing thousands by the second! There is no choice!" Felicity said.

Oliver sighed and looked up at the ceiling. He didn't agree, but she was right. And he knew it.

Ayyy!! Its up!! Also I made a new cover! I hope you like it!!! This is going to be short so I can go to my locker at school. Thanks for reading and voting and comment a question!! I will answer all questions!! And I will give you shout outs!!
Xoxo... Gossip girl!! It'll always be me lol maybe....

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