Training Hard part 1

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Vic and Nat along with her parents waited in the lobby of the hospital. Vic could hardly sit still for today after 2 and a half long months of rehabilitation Vic was finally going to get her cast off. "Honey sit still", said her mom. "Sorry mom". Vic felt like minutes were hours but finally her name was called and they all walked into a room and waited some more. "I can't wait to jump and run and spin everywhere", said Vic. Nat laughed a little,"Yeah but remember to take it easy, you don't break your ankle again". A few minutes  later the doctor arrived. "Why hello Victoria  you ready to take that cast off",he said. "I've been more than ready". "OK then let me take it off, then I'll take some x rays to make sure that the ankle is completely healed and then you'll be set and ready to go". Vic smiled and nodded. As he began to unstrap the cast Vic began to felt that her leg was finally free; that her leg was finally receiving air. Then the doctor took some x rays which took some time and thankfully he said that Vic was completely healed and could now walk. She smiled, jumped out of the examination bed and jump everywhere saying, "I'm free, I'm finally free". The doctor chuckled, "Yes you healed properly and that is great but take it easy for the rest of the day". "Oh...", she said and stopped jumping. "But don't worry tomorrow you can do whatever you want like it never happened". The family thanked the doctor and Vic asked if she could donated her crutches and wheelchair to the hospital. "Well that's a great idea sweetie", said her mom. Vic was happy that she was donating but really she wanted to get rid of those horrifying objects and she hoped she would never need to use them again. After donating the family decided that they needed to celebrate and since it was around lunch time they thought that the best place to celebrate was their favorite burger place; Bob's Burgers. When they got there they ordered and ate happily their fries and burgers. -Mrph- "Thanks for the burgers dad", said Vic. -Mrph-"Yeah they're delish". "I'm glad you like them", he said," there's nowhere better to celebrate than our favorite burger place. After arriving home Vic and Nat  ran to Josh's house as fast as they could. -Knock knock-  "Who is it", said a shy voice. "Um it's Vic and Nat your neighbors". The girl opened the door relieved to see her friends. "Oh um hi", said Sally. Then she looked at Victoria and smiled, "Your cast and wheelchair their..gone". Vic chuckled,"Yup". Sally looked happier than usual, it was like a new Sally had suddenly appeared. As they walked inside Vic was curios about something,"Sally,why do you..why didn't you open the door when we knocked". She stared down, "Well....its because I'm scared that someone bad is going to be at the door". Nat smiled, "There's nothing wrong in being scared but don worry the neighborhood is pretty safe if you ask me". At that same moment Katie along with Mrs. Jones came downstairs but didn't notice Vic and Nat were there. "But are you sure you want to throw away all your princess dresses and tiaras",said Sarah. "Yes mommy everyone at my school isn't into princesses anymore because were six". Katie was wearing rubber boots with tights, a Tutu and a shirt. She also wore a crown and some fairy wings but took them off and handed them to her mom that was carrying a lot of dresses and tiaras and fairy wings. -Sigh-"I'll miss you", she murmured. Vic stared and decided she had to stop this before it was too late. "Wait", she yelled. They both looked up startled. She walked towards Katie and keeled to be face to face with her. "Look Katie I know that your six and your growing up but that means two things". Katie stared confused. "It means that your big and becoming more independent but with independence comes sacrifices". "Like what", asked Katie. "Well your no longer a kid". "And what's so bad about that". Vic chuckled, "You might not understand now but trust me enjoy right now that your a kid because one day it'll be gone and you'll never get it back", Vic smiled, "okay". -sigh- "Okay", Katie said,"mommy please don't throw away my dresses". Sarah smiled,"Okay I'll put them back in the magic chest".  Katie smiled, "Vic wanna play dress up".  "Sure give me a minute". "Okay I'll be upstairs waiting". "Okay Katie". Nat walked up to Vic, "Nice job, you really made her rethink what she was doing". Vic laughed as she started up the stairs and left. Just then Sally came up to Nat. "Um you wanna play". "Sure but can we play soccer". "Okay I'll go into Josh's room and get  his soccer ball", said Sally and ran up the stairs. Nat was left alone. A few minutes later Sally came rshing down gasping and holding the soccer ball. "Finally you took forver", said Nat amiling. "Sorry", said Sally and both ran to play outside. A little later Vic came down to get a glass of water but at that same time Josh along with Caleb opened the front door carrying a bat and a baseball and came face to face. Vic froze embarrased and Josh smiled and bowed, "Your highness". Vic relaxed and showed her hand for Josh took kiss, "Sir Josh". They smiled and laughed. "So Vic why are you in my hous dressed like a princess". Vic blushed,"Oh me well I came over to see how you guys were doing and to bragg to you that my cast is off",she said smile,"but then I started toplay princess with Katie". Both boy's looked impressed, "Wow how'd you get her to play that", said Caleb. "Oh well I gave her a little talk". Caleb smiled and left to his room leaving Josh and Vic alone. They stared at each other for a second until Josh broke the silenece,"So um where's Natalie". "Oh she outside I think playing soccer ith Sally". Josh chuckled, "You two are miracle workers since what Sally and Katie are doing has been rare for months". They laughed. "So where were you and Caleb..". "Oh us we were just practicing since Caleb is finally the age to tryout for the little baseball leage". Vic smirked,"Oh okay so are you going again tommorow because tommorow I'm going to start training for the not mid summer race". Josh chickled again,"Yeah we are what about Natalie". "Oh her she will probably be training for soccer season". Both smiled and Vic ran up the satiars again fogetting about the glass of water she had originally come for. Hours passed and finally both girls aid goodbye and rushed home to diner since it was..pasta night! The whole family sat eating when the girls mom said something important,"So it's probably less than a month for my babyshower and I need to know if my name picker is ready". Vic slurped her pasta, wiped her face and took a drink of water, "Yeah I have the name but I don't want to announce it until the baby shower". Her mom smiled,"Okay sweetie I know and trust that you picked the perfect name for our baby boy". The family ate happily and Vic and Nat both were exited for tommorow because Vic had two months to get ready and she was sure that this time she was definitely going to win that trophy 

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