Winter Wonderland part 3

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Victoria walked with her crutches. It was noon and she had her bag in her hand. She decided she was going to ice skate.  Even if she was hurt it wasn't so bad so she felt like skating again wouldn't affect her. "Hey, sis". "Oh hi Natalie", said Vic as she turned around. "Hey we heard that a cousin of Chloe built a house close to hers and he moving in. Chloe bragged us about it and we decide to take a look, wanna come". "No thanks I'll go say hi later". "Ok see ya". "Bye", everyone yelled. "Bye". Vic kept walking and finally arrived at the forest. She put on her skates and began skating. She practiced her figure eights and jumps. After 10 minutes she heard something, "Psst". "Huh? Is someone there". "It's me no need to worry". Vic sighed,"Oh Josh it's only you". She skated to where he was. He kissed her in the cheek. "What are you doing here". "I guess I should ask you the same thing. I thought you were injured". "Oh well I feel much better"."Good I'm glad but I came because i thought you were going to be here and also because I have a surprise for you". "Oooo". Vic took off her skates and followed Josh". "Hey so did you hear about the new guy". "Yeah natalie told me about it but I'll probably just stop by later". Josh chuckled,"Ok close your eyes". They walked a little,"Ok....opened them". Vic gasped,"Hey this is were we had our first date". "Yeah and I love this spot because we met in the fall when we had our first date and now were having our second date in winter". "Everything is so beautiful". The long leaves of the willow tree were frozen and also was the river. It was like a ice garden. There on the same spot lay a basket and a blanket extended.  "Hey so I thought that since it's winter we should eat wintery food so the only thing I thought of was ice cream". Vic giggled,"I think it's perfect". "Great then what flavor, strawberry or chocolate chip?". She kissed him in the cheek,"Um chocolate chip please". Meanwhile Natalie and the gang arrived at 703 N Lacy St. "Here it is", Natalie said. Everyone was impressed, it was bigger Chloe. "Is it mansion?", said Thomas. "Maybe, who knows. Now everyone brought their welcome to the neighborhood present?". Everyone nodded, then Natalie ringed the doorbell. A butler opened the door. It stunned everyone but Natalie, since once she went over to Chloe's house and it was the same aroma. "Hello good afternoon we just wanted to say hi to our new neighbor". He cleared his throat,"Do you mean Eugene Frederick Charles the fifteenth". "Um....yes well I think so is he the cousin of Chloe". "Chloe Bourgeois?" "Yes". "Oh well yes that is him I will call him down please wait here". Everyone waited anxiously. "Now settle down we don't want don't scare Mr. Eugene Frederick Charles the fifteenth". Everyone laughed and then quieted down as they saw him. Mr. Eugene was a blond 12 year old. He wore a black suit and black chericole shoes. Natalie felt what was love at first sight. "He's so handsome", thought Nat.  "Why good afternoon chaps I'm Eugene how may I be of service to you today". No one answered, then someone slapped Natalie's arm and then talked,"Oh um hello Eugene we were just here to welcome you to the neighborhood". "Why thank you you are very kind". "Yes and also we wanted to..", she looked at her friend but they had all hidden their gifts. "Um we wanted to invite you to our games and contest for our winter wonderland event"."Oh yes I will think about it and will inform you at school". "Oh are you going to Lakewood Middle school ?" "Um yes since the do not have any private schools near by". Natalie felt like bursting out in joy but kept it cool. "Well then tomorrow we have our second event in the forest section 3". Natalie handed him a map. "Thank you and I will make sure to go". He closed the gigantic door and Natalie squealed. "Don't you guy's think he soooooo handsome". "Um well he dresses right". They all said goodbye and Natalie headed home to daydream. Vic and Josh  finished their ice-cream,"Hey Vic is it hard to ice skate? I mean it looks so easy". Vic giggled,"Come i'll show you". They walked back to the lake where Vic took out some extra skates. "My grandma gave me these but their still to big. I think their size 8".  "Perfect" He put them on and standed up. He immediately sat back down," How do you even walk with these". Vic giggled again,"Well I guess we should start our lesson with how to walk and balance". He held his hand and he stood up. Slowly he learned and soon h was able to do it by himself. "Good, good ok now we're going to get on the lake".  "Ok then". "Vic guided Josh to the lake and grabbed him before he fell". "You know you make it look so easy". They both laughed. "Ok it's just like roller skating". "Oh ok". "Yeah just the only new part is that you have to balance on two blades". They began to add speed and then they skated together, Josh holding firmly Vic' hand". "Yeah yeah I'm getting it". They held both hands and skated for what seemed an eternity. They loved each other and seemed like they were extracted from the real world. then the church bell rang marking it 6 pm. "I guess I better head home,mom's expecting me to be there for dinner", said Josh. "Yeah me too I have to wash the dishes". They skated to where the bench was. Once they took off their skates and put them in Vic's bag, Josh kissed her in the cheek and took off. Vic walked home very happy because she had had a better day than expected. While walking home she remembered about Chloe's cousin and decided to go say hi before it get darker. She arrived quick,  Vic took a moment to observe the gigantic mansion that looked strange next to all the tiny houses. Then she rang the doorbell and waited. The same butler opened the door and looked surprised,"Well, why is a young lady doing outside it looks like it will rain soon please please come in". "Why thank you but I just came to welcome Chloe's cousin to the neighborhood". "Why yes I see many people have come over to welcome him". "Yes we do it every time a new pearson comes to the neighborhood". "I think that that is very kind of you and the others. Well now let me get Eugene down here". He walked to a big cord and it sounded like he rung a bell. "Please, please sit". Vic sat on the couch which was the comfiest thing she had ever sat in her life. The butler read her mind,"Comfy isn't it". "Yes very". Vic tried to use the best manners she's got and it seemed to work just fine. Then Eugene came down the great stairs. Vic could see the relationship between him and Chloe. 

Eugene's P.O.V:

I walked down the stairs to find the most exquisite creature I have ever seen. She was so beautiful she had nothing to compare. In all my existence I had never seen such beauty. I knew i had come here for a reason and that reason make that creature mine.

"Good evening my love", said Eugene. "Good evening eugene I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood ". "And I wanted to tell you that you are the beautifullest creature I have ever seen". "Creature?" "Yes and I hope that you and I could be good friends". "Yes eugene. Well that all and I really have to go so..". "Wait! It's um raining see". Vic turned around and to her disgrace it was and she didn't have a umbrella. "Oh yes but don't worry I can get wet a little it doesn't bother me", she said nerviosly. "No, no,no a  fine lady like you can not get wet". "Me a fine lady, no! I am a really girl not as rich as you and....". He put his finger on her lips. Vic immediately back away. "No need to say more", he turned to his butler,"Daniel, please go fetch my umbrella and notify my mum that I will be going out for a while". "But sir you cannot...". "What did i say about contradicting me Daniel". "That i shouldn't sir". "Yes now please go fetch my umbrella I will not repeat myself".  Vic then realized what he was going to do, "Oh, no you don't have to accompany me I can just borrow your umbrella and I'll return it as soon s possible". No it's settled and done now put on your jacket because Daniel should be here any minute now with the umbrella". Once they were set they took off into the night. Vic was quiet letting Eugene do all the talking because she was kinda weirded out about what was happening. They finally arrived and Natalie spied them from the window. 

Natalie's P.O.V:

I couldn't believe my eyes. Eugene was with MY SISTER! I can't believe how they would both betray me like that. I felt such anger but sadness at the same time. Then, she hugged him! I think he kissed him but I can't be sure. They went out of sight but the next time I saw that black umbrella only eugene was under it. I decided that my sister needed some clarifying so i ran downstairs while I held my tears back. 

Natalie went inside the kitchen where Vic was talking to her mom. "How dare you flirt with Eugene", yelled Nat. Vic turned around,"What? What do you mean? Flirt?". "I mean that I just saw you with Eugene sharing an umbrella, then hugging him and then finally and I think kissing him". The girls mom interfered," Girls girls stop yelling at each other. First things first who is this Eugene?". Natalie yelled, "He's Chloe's cousin that just moved into town". "Yeah and I just wanted to say hello, but Natalie please think I have a boyfriend, Josh, and why would I flirt with someone else". Natalie stayed quiet then said," Well then what were you doing together". "I was well...". "See you're lying you know what I thought sisters were supposed to stick together". Natalie couldn't help it and burst out in tears and ran and locked herself in their room. From outside Vic said,"Natalie please don't believe what's not true". There was no answer, just sobs and she never unlocked the door. Vic slept in Toby's room and thought about her sister She felt bad but at the same time knew she had to fix things. After 10 minutes of thinking she knew the only way of fixing things was to explain what really happened. At breakfast  Vic tried talking but Natalie gave her the silent treatment. Then she went back to her room and didn't come out 'till 3 hours later. The entire family,(except Nat obviously), was watching a movie in the living room when Natalie came down the stairs. Everyone opened their mouths at the shocking image they were seeing.  Natalie had curled her hair and put Vic's and their mom's makeup. Also she wore a short dress and heels. Vic was the first one to speak,"Um Nat what are you wearing". "Isn't it obvious, I thought that the only way that Eugene likes you is because you have fashion so I changed my look. I have to go so see ya soon". Their dad spoke next,"Woah woah woah you are not going out like that so go back and change".  "Um I don't think so", she said and left. "Yup she's even go the sassiness down", said Vic,"the only problem is...that she's not wearing the right color lipstick". :):):):):):):) 

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