Mid- summer race(but not really mid summer)

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"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh oh my gosh can believe it", said Vic while jumping around in her room. "Yes I can since you have told me like a thousand times a day", said Natalie annoyed as she laid in her bed. "Sorry it's just that I'm really super excited for tomorrow"."I know but try to get some sleep ok...night",said Natalie and then fell asleep. "Night",said Vic and then surprisingly fell asleep.-----Beep beep beep. The alarm sounded and Vic still tired got out of bed and saw a note on her desk. "Huh what this", she said. The note read: Vic.. me, mom and dad tried waking you up but we couldn't so we went to the mid summer race without you -Nat . Vic dropped the note and turned her face rapidly at the clock. "Oh no", she yelled. Then Vic woke up screaming and crying. Natalie was by her side,"Vic what happened". She panted,"It was all a dream", she said still catching her breath. "Oh man again,you've been having nightmares all week",Natalie  said,"well we can add that one with you breaking your ankle again and the one that they cancelled the race for good". She giggled a little,"No but seriously are you ok?". "Yeah I'm ok but what time is it". "It's two am or something". "Well get some sleep you only have a few hours", said Natalie  while going back to bed. Vic didn't sleep much after and woke up around 6:45. "Vic why are you up so early the competition doesn't start 'till 10:00", said Natalie in her bed. "No reason just go to sleep".  Natalie didn't listen and got up rubbing her eyes,"Too late you already woke me up". Vic rolled her eyes and went downstairs. She adjusted herself to the darkness but then Natalie turned on the kitchen light". "Ahhh!", said Vic while rubbing her eyes. "Great so now I know my sister is a vampire", said Natalie laughing. "Haha very funny". Natalie grabbed a banana and then sat on the couch. "Pass me the remote". "Please", said Vic holding it up so she couldn't grab it. Natalie rolled her eyes," Fine pleeeease". "Thank you", said Vic giving her the remote.She sat down next to her for a while then went upstairs to get ready. She found her mom by the bathroom and told her Natalie was downstairs. "Sweetie what did you do to make her wake up so early on a Saturday". Thr giggled and then her mom left. Within an hour and a half everyone was up and ready to go. "Come on dad it 9:15", Vic said. "exactly it just 9:15 so wait ten more minutes ok?", he said drinking from his coffee. Vic threw her body on the couch and waited. After ten minutes everyone was ready to leave. "Ok peaches time to...", but he didn't finish because Victoria zoomed out of the house. Her dad chuckled and then closed the front door. They arrived 15 minutes before and after wishing her good luck her parents and sister left to the stands. Vic put down her stuff on a bench and took of her clothes until she was only in shorts and a thin shirt. After checking in and receiving her number she went with the others and stretched. "Hey..Vic right", said a girl next to her. "yeah and you are...". "oh me I'm Maribel", she said timidly,"I'm a big fan of yours and even though we are competing I really hope you win".  Vic smiled,"Aww thanks and as I always say...keep trying". They laughed and stretched until the speaker asked all competitors to go to their places."Hey you", said a voice. "Who me", asked Vic. "Yeah you I heard that you're the best runner in the 7th grade but i gotta warn ya I'm the best in 8th grade making me the best". Vic rolled her eyes,"Oh really well then it will be sad when i beat you".  She was ready to trash talk her life out but the voice in the speaker said the competition starts in 30 seconds. "All righty then",said the voice,"the racers will have to run 2 laps and the first three to finish first will receive gold, silver and bronze".  "Racers are you ready......on your mark get set". Vic closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She thought: Ok Vic you got this, you've been waiting too long to not win this so no preasure but you gotta win. "Go". She ran. She ran past a racer..two three four racers! She ran past Maribel and kept going.Shecompleted the first lap and she heard the speker say,"Wow there goes Victoria Ocampo 7th grader  second to finish the lap next to Michael Mclee 8th grader". Vic grunted:Michael is a close first...not on my watch. She pumped up theenergyand ran with all her might. She saw the fnish line and noticed she was neck to neck with Michael. "Oh hello princess", he said panting. Vic didn't answer because she knew she shJosh walking couldn't talk."What's the matter did you run out of trash talk". He laughed and slowed down. Vic smiled her plan worked. She zoomed past him and crossed the finish line. She smiled threw her arms in the air and then colapsed on the track as the other racers crossed. The crowed went wild and Marible help Vic up. "Great job I knew you could do it". Vic smiled and hugged her. Her family arrived seconds later andalso did Josh. They hugged each other until someone pulled Victoria to the podium. She stood there and smiled to see Marible as thrd with Michael as second. "Hey so I thought you were supposed to win", she said. Michael ignored her and stred into the crowd. "Well folks here we have it and as the winners recieve their medals I want to say that this is the first time in the history of this race that a seventh grader wins in an all middle school competition. Vic smiled as she received her medal and her flowers. When they got off Vic said goodbye to Maribel and promised that she would see her in school,then she joined her family that was already walking to the car. "Sis you were awesome", said Natalie. "Thanks Nat". When they were all in the car their dad said,"We need to celebrate so anyone got any ideas". "Oo oo  me I know we should all go to Bob's burgers". "Great idea pumpkin". "Oh wait before we go can invite our neighbor Josh", said Vic as she spotted Josh walking home. "Why sure honey go hurry", said her mom. Vic, sore got out of the car and jogged and yelled,"Josh wait". Josh turned around and smiled,"Why hello mlady I'm very proud to have the fastest runner in the whole school to be my girlfriend". "Thanks honeybunny but I came to ask you if you wanna join us..we're going to Bob's Burgers". "Oh, well I guess I could go for a burger", he said,"i'll just text my mom and tell her where I"m going". "Great oh ad one more thing my parents dont' know were dating so don't say anything k". "K". When they got there everyone ordered and thankfully it wasn't full so they recieved their food really quickly. Everyone decided to make a toast and held up their sodas,"To Victoria who is now really the fastest runner in the entire school". They laughed and Vic was happier than ever for her dream had come true.    

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